MLS Character Reference: Alexandria Gallagher by Amaryllex on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

16/52 #1page1week #1p1w

UPD (July 2021) The character's hairstyle design is outdated. Sorry. Better draw her hair long on both sides of her head.
She's supposed to get a short haircut somewhere in the story, but currently there's no reference to show.

Character's personality:
- INFP (Yesenin);
- generally kind and sociable, Alexandria at the same time is liable to severe mood swings negatively influencing her behaviour;
- she's energetic, hardy, enjoys joking, arguing, teasing, public posturing and having fun in a noisy company, but when choosing close friends she gives her preference to people with nature contrary to hers, calm and capable of standing her temper, as they form some kind of a comfort zone for her;
- she can be suspicious, stubborn, proud, in a bad mood becoming passive-aggressive, biting and stroppy;
- rather jealous she most often takes it silently, hoping that the situation isn't worth her worrying;
- deep down Alexandria is vulnerable and sentimental and doesn't like to be alone, although occasionally she needs short-term seclusions to look inside herself;
- she often shares curious moments of her past that sometimes touch her personal life, which makes you believe she's open and even rustic, but in fact this is more like her mask: believing that sharing past for fun is acceptable while giving reason to discuss topical problems is not, she scrutinizes her opponent long enough before entrusting them with her current worries, in addition simply not wanting to bother anyone without a very special reason; as the result, she makes the impression of a person never really burdened by problems, while in fact it's far from the truth.* Explanations *Species may be changed, sorry
**Same about the place of her birth and her ethnicity
***When she first appears in the story she works in the Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA), a civilian organization which main idea is ferrying new, repaired and damaged military aircraft between places and also flying service personnel on urgent duty from one place to another and performing some air ambulance work. In the beginning Alexandria has the Third Officer rank which is equal to the Pilot Officer rank in the Royal Air Force (RAF), but in the course of the plot she's supposed to reach the First Officer rank (Flight Lieutenant in the RAF) and soon become a combat pilot.
The RAF uniform shown in the ref contains the insignia of the Flight Lieutenant rank, pay attention to this to not get confused! This uniform is related to the project's future events!
Also, I must mention that here I haven't included the RAF flight clothing consisting of warm jacket, life vest and helmet because it wouldn't be different from what was shown in the ref of my another pilot OC, Athelstan, so you can always check what it looks like in his ref (Character Reference Sheet: Athelstan Unsworth)
****Single in the beginning of the story she's supposed to meet her soulmate and love in the course of the plot.