Kingdom Hearts II by an-angels-tears on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Yes, I am a rabid Kingdom Hearts freak....

...don't stare--please.

Anyway, recent photos from the Squenix party show a new KH2 poster. Most of these shots are, well... not very good. So, what to do...? Why, try to draw it--what else?!

I made both the BHK (the boy in the middle) and Mickey a little too small when compared to the others; I blame working on the pic on two seperate days (at work one day, home the next). -_-' Meh, anyway... Sora's hair isn't as spikey on one side (opps....). I tried shading the pic (which became disasterous, I must admit). Once I was halfway through drawing it... I realized that I didn't have enough room to fit the Org. member and DiZ standing on either side (let alone Kairi and Sora's feet!). ...maybe I should draw it smaller?

Gah--! What am I saying? Draw that thing again?! But... but....


Anyway, please comment :heart: !!