Sasunaru - The Quarrel Part 4 by Animaid101 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I know it's been a while, but finally we managed to get the next chapter finished. :phew:
Sorry for the super-long wait, but apart from personal problems it prove really difficult to get the doujinshi drawn the way I imagined it. Especially that old woman was a real challenge. If you don't believe me, just try to draw old people for once...

I commissioned this artwork, so the story's by me, the drawing's done by :iconcaru-ra: and the original layout was done by :iconred277:
Trying to combine the drawing styles of these fabulous artists wasn't possible since they're too different from each other, so I decided that Caru-ra should redraw everything and finish it.
My deepest thanks go to Caru-ra and Red277, they both gave their all to help me finish that project which is just a step to the next chapter and believe me, the next part won't take that long and will be worth any wait. ;)

I usually don't post commissioned artworks on my account since I don't want to be confused with the artist who actually drew them, but in this case I had to make an exception. So many artists disappeared from DA or changed their fandoms.

Also someone used some of the doujinshi without my permission. So to make it absolutely clear that the doujinshi belongs to me and to have a central place where you can read my doujinshi, I now posted all the pages on my account.

You can also find the parts on the accounts of the amazing artists. Part 1-3: :iconchoko17: Part 4: :iconcaru-ra:

This is a doujinshi without any purpose of gaining money. Every character out of the manga series "Naruto" **© Masashi Kishimoto. **Artwork **© :iconcaru-ra: Layout **© :iconred277: Story **© :iconanimaid101: Please don't use anything without permission of the artists!