Shonhor by Ankalt on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Ankalt on DeviantArt

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Ankalt's avatar

Published: Apr 13, 2015


Soon, on the 16th of April is a great howrse artist and my friend's birthday! Now she sends her coats from the Russian Howrse Version. At first she was Satinette., and it is much more known, than all the other nicknames of her, then -mentor, then zi.a, and now she is shonhor. So I made up my mind to make a surprize for her and draw her horse-version. Just hope she won't see it before it needs :D Otherwise it would not be a surprize.
Why like this? Shonhor is translated like "a falcon" from Mongolian. I took a hawk as a base for colouring. And this horse has 6 wings just because she (I mean my friend :D) is incredible, and her artworks are so spectacular, especially her pegasi. We have a collection of angels, "No more sky", you know) And she is like a creator of all of them, she is a superior angel. A seraphim.

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AmadiHunt's avatar

This is beautiful, I love your detail in the wings. :)