SSC - Thor by anklesnsocks on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

anklesnsocks on DeviantArt

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anklesnsocks's avatar

Published: Jun 21, 2011


here is another sideshow piece.
this one is for the Thor movie premium format statue.

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1400x2061px 2.34 MB

TRDLcomics's avatar

Love this piece. I used this as a banner example for our upcoming monthly art jam: TRDL Art Jam - September 2017 Yeeeah, sorry about August. It wasn't you, it was me. I was head down working on the new TRDL Sourcebooks, and preparing for my con appearances in September, and I forgot to post the jam. On the other hand, wow, we had some great entries for June's Spider-Man jam. A huge amount. Very nicely done, everyone! OK, so September we'll try to catch up. The jam selections are: 1. Thor, and the Asgard pantheon, in honor of Thor: Ragnarok 2. Blade Runner, in honor of Blade Runner 2049 3. Batman, in honor of the will he/wont he about Ben Affleck 4. And finally SHIELD, either the comics, film, or TV version Have fun! If you are in SF or Portland, hope to see you at one of my upcoming shows! *Thor, by anklesnsocks (love the glowy Mjolnir here) Blade Runner by TimothyAndersonArt (that vintage cover) Batman by Rockthearts1212 (evokes Batman 100 in the best ways) SHIELD