HOT breakfast by annria2002 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

DAY 5!!
something naughty

i dont know if you guys will get it, but my friends do!..XD those pancakes were inspired by a rokunami fanfic im currently reading 8D


roxas promised his wifey that he'd cook her breakfast...

:iconpervyroxasplz::iconsaysplz: i told you i'd make hot pancakes for breakfast

:iconnamineplz::iconsaysplz:..............YOU LIE!!:ohnoes:

too embarrassed with roxas' outfit..
cause namine just wants pancakes..8D she's hungry y'know :iconhurrrplz: look at the fork! 8D
*shot 10x*

AHH!! matutulog na ko!!!!>.>
possible script

:iconpervyroxasplz::iconsaysplz: you said you want some pancakes, but when you might not recognize it.

:iconnamineplz::iconsaysplz:. i always thought pancakes were doomed.. to fade in my stomach 🤣

roxas and namine belongs to disney/nomura/squareenix