Robot Spider Attack 05 : New Products 11 of 12 by AnthonyDiff on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

One of the scientists discovered a foot note in the data which indicated that a liquid composed of Di-hydrogen Oxide, lipids and trace elements kept the Terran visual organs free of contaminating dust and other irritants. This was a common method of keeping soft tissues clean, employed by numerous species throughout the galaxy.

Early experiments on earth had determined that the lipids could be of some medicinal value. Further study of the data indicated that laughter and engagement of the "ticklish" sense could also induce production of the liquid. No specific sense organ for ticklishness had been discovered, and the research into the sense had been abandoned when the humans had turned the tide of battle.

Intrigued by the data the scientists employed a standard four-hosed haptic attenuator to stimulate the Terran's contiguity membrane. it was commonly used to study the tactile sensitivity of alien species. The reaction from the Terrans startled the scientists.

In certain places on their bodies even low levels of stimulation produced the fluid. The women writhed and made strange noises as it was dutifully collected. Vigorous stimulation of those areas produced copious amounts of the stuff. The women all complained at the rough treatment, but the noises they made during the collection process sounded like the noises they made during times of mental enjoyment so their protests were largely ignored. After all, what species ever made enjoyment noises when they were feeling torment?

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