Buddy with a Buddy Complete by AntithesisOfASoul on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Thanks to a friend I was able to get the final colors needed for this project and I finished before my deadline.

This piece is a gift to my S.O. to mark 6 wonderful years together, and to honor their pot bellied pigle-- I mean Chihuahua, Buddy who is a loveable lil scamp. We're celebrating later this month on the actual day we first got together, but this is an early gift for them. Thankfully it has their seal of approval on it as well. I just gotta wonder what Buddy would think of his embroidery threaded doppelganger?

Given the times I had to order the thread online in a pack so I had to use what hues they had. The head and chest are closest to his actual colors, the darker hues were a "use what you got" kinda thing. It's still not spot on and I'm no great shakes at artistry, but I did it out of love and it kept me busy during quarantine which my building is still under -_-

But now onto my next project. I hope you're all doing well in these troubling times, and are safe from harm.

Much Love and Peace,
