Discreet: Birthday Surprise by AppleRat on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Jamboree and Minnie getting ready to put the finishing touches on a special birthday surprise for a secret minkin.. they might also need to hurry and run out and get a gift! ((x

cheepers was so kind enough of to let me use their beautiful minkin Jamboree! They're one of my favorite minkin and I've been dying to do some sort of fan art for them for a while. <33

Hope everything turned out okay!
Did this one in more of my chibi-esque style compared to the last prompt I did, definitely a style easier for me to work with.

and sorry about the bg, backgrounds are just not my thing hehe ^^;
I feel like I also need to start branching out more with poses and better perspective too ;;

I had a lot of fun working on this though, minkin are just soo much fun to draw ^^