Sard by ArbyArt on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Gem Type: Sard

Height: 5'4

Weapon: She uses her fingers as throwing knives. they can grow, expand, and be thrown at an extremely far distance. but they always come back the the host. her fighting style is Knife throwing.she can also emitnate shards out of her gem and shoot them as projectiles.

Bio: Sard is not apart of the Chrystal gems and is apart of Yellow Diamond's Army. she is a fiery and boar-headed gem that rarely gives up a fight. she is super agile and graceful, which makes her a worthy opponent in battle. Sard is also the intelligence of the team. and is a master pilot. She ha a trouble to trust others and is very skeptical. Sard isn't a fan of fusing. If there are circumstances where she must, she prefers to fuse with Jet. This is because their gem fusion is highly strong and hard to beat. She detests Jet, and her dancing style, but there is no avoiding it cause Jet insists to lead.(other reason Sard dislikes jet)

Ability: Sard has the ability to emanate shards on chrysalis out of her jewel and to use them as projectiles.
She also has the ability to pilot Gem starships, and work with gem technology.

Stone Meaning:Sard- symbolizes justice. It is reddish brown stone, one step away from Carnelian. It is named after the ancient city of Sardes. It encourages openness with one's fellow human beings, getting you out of your shell and introverted behavior. It assists in counteracting selfishness. Sard can work between the Root Chakra and the Sacral/Spleen Chakra. This stone has a direct link to Scorpio. The Greeks and Romans called this the "stone of fire".

Sard is a stone that has, for a long-time, represented love, protection, and courage. It is also a stone that is particularly effective for women. In general, sard is used to promote awareness, courage and bravery, rendering the wearer fearless, successful, victorious, and therefore happy. Sard is also used to defeat negative spells and energies. It has long been thought to protect against snakebites and another poisons, as well as bad dreams and melancholy feelings.

Sard belongs to :iconarbyart:
Art by Me

No copying or stealing