Arson's reference by Aritasum on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Published: Feb 14, 2016


-Other facts
.He got his powers after being electrocuted. He believes he always had it in him and only awakened when he received an electric shock.
.He has a love/hate relationship with his brother Cameron. He finds him annoying but knows he can count on him.
.He loves to read and he can spend hours at the library reading all kinds of books. His favourites are storybooks.
.He has to wear reading glasses.
.He's more on the introvert side and sometimes comes off as aggressive to others.
.He values his few friends a lot and enjoys pulling pranks on them.
.He prefers solitude and time to think above most things.
.His parents divorced when he was only 2. He stayed with his mother while his father took Cameron, driving them far from each other. They met again when Arson turned 15.
.The electric shock left lightning looking scars on both of his arms. If he uses his powers excessively the wounds may open and bleed. He always hides them with either bandages or long sleeves.
.While he has male friends he still gets along better with Aria and Adela. He considers them his best friends.
.He's very secretive about everything. Not for any special reason, it's just the way he is.
.He's very smart.
.He's extremely hotheaded and can get angry very quickly over the smallest of things.
.He has an ex-girlfriend. He left her because he was pretty immature at the time and that mistake scarred him for life.

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