Reckless hero by Ark235 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Strange, but maybe it had to happen so that I would understand how stubborn I am, and what it can lead to. What this can REALLY lead to. But I don't know what's wrong with me anymore. And the point it not even that I again didn't listen to anyone ... not, almost not.

Everything much more serious.

– Dolly, can you hear me? – familiar the voice frantically whispered directly over my head. – Look at me! Do you hear me?

I hear voice through the noise in my ears, but I don't I can remember who it belongs to. Someone ... someone very close to me. I can’t open my eyes to look at him, I can’t move: me as if tied up and abandoned into the wall. The trembling does not cease, and I just can not stop shaking frantically like a pathetic puppy. A puppy whose things didn’t go according to plan. Again. But I didn’t listen to anyone. Damn pride.

Belatedly, it dawns on me that they are dragging me somewhere, but my paws are not listening, and there’s a real mess in my head, which even prevents me from understanding where I am at all. Even if they throw me into a puddle now, I can hardly answer or even understand what is happening.

– Everything behind – the world freezes again, and again quiet a voice above my head, and before close one's eyes flash shadows.

Through the daze, it finally dawns on me who it is. I don't need to open my eyes to recognize him. Even in this convulsive state, I know that there will be only one dog next to me. That same dog that always and everywhere turns out to be next to me.

– Wake up! – Dylan quietly, but persistently shook me by the shoulders, trying to bring me back into this world, but me as if paralyzed.

I don’t see his face, but his quiet trembling voice seems to reach the very depths, turning me inside out.

He is not just afraid - he is terrified.

I don't know, but I can feel his fear, and it only makes me feel worse. I don't know where I am, I don't know what's going on – nothing, only fear, his fear mixes with mine, causing me to tremble feverishly. Something happened ... something serious.

– Shock, - he carefully touches my shaking back and mutters inaudibly. – Shh. This will no longer be useful to us. Be patient, I'll do it now.

A click under the chin, and he carefully removes something from my head, and then throws it somewhere to the side. Only a few minutes later does it reach me that I was wearing a helmet, which now, judging by the sound, is lying somewhere behind me.

- Say something! Stop scaring me!

I still can’t move, but in his ears now only his voice instead of the deafening noise and the frantic beating of my heart. Sobbing and trembling, but his voice. It is calming. It always helped, and I know why. Now I know.

Today, everything is completely different from what it was before. Everything is not at all funny.

... Only now, after so much time, I understand where I am. An icy wind, a distant thunderstorm, the asphalt of the sidewalk next to some store, and Dylan, who gently holding me close with trembling paws. I can’t concentrate: I am still shaking from shock, and my heart is beating in my head with thunder, but it’s easier for me next to it. And do not care that what I can't resist, do not care that we are in the middle of the street - all this is not important, I really want to snuggle up to him.

– Do you hear me? – he mumbles again something soothing and touches the top of my head with his nose. - Everything is behind.

Strange, I know him so well, but now absolutely I’ll definitely say - this is his other side, that, which I always have she was proud. Not a drop grumbles, but stubbornly trying to pretend that everything is fine, trying to hide his fear, as if nothing had happened. But in his trembling voice and trembling paws on my back there is so much anxiety and panic that I cannot believe how he did not break. But he is struggling to hold on. He tries for the sake of me.

– Dolly, look at me!

This not a dream, this is a nightmare. A nightmare in reality that will haunt him and me.

I try to raise my head to look in his face, but after seeing his eyes, immediately I'm putting my head down. I can’t see it. I don’t look like Deepak, I’m not even as capable as Dante, but you must being blind so as not to see his face contorted with horror and sad green eyes, in which even now frozen a nightmare.

He notices something and immediately closes his eyes, and his paw on my head it's already shaking like all of me. The noise in my head gradually subsides, and I'm trying to figure out what happened. But I do not need to remember - enough to see his eyes, see all the horror that it was reflected there.

I know what he saw: a skateboard broken in half and ill-fated cracked helmet behind my back.

Picture instantly lines up in my head, and it that makes me feel still worse.

My prank and a show-off, only the car doesn’t care who is under the wheels. I don’t know what made me go out on the road, but I was so carried away that I didn’t notice her behind me. And then everything was like in a stupid movie that we watched recently: some rumble, noise, and i was scared. For the first time, I was so scared that I could not do anything - just watch the approaching end. But he noticed. I do not know how, but noticed and rushed to defend me, without hesitation, not caring for protection. And the last thing I remember - he just threw himself under the wheels, across and pushed me away to the side behind a second, like a skateboard on which I stood cracked like a rotten board and scattered into pieces, injuring him. And then everything calmed down...

Rushed forward, not caring for himself. He was afraid not to lose his life, he was afraid to lose me.

Without raising my head, I see his wounds on the side and paws, which is why in the eyes everything gets dark, and the tears come by themselves. Quiet sobs are stuck in my throat, and only guilt and creepy fear in my soul. I'm shaking again, but from another. A single thought froze in my head, which I cannot get rid of.

“What would happen if things had gone differently? - it creeps into my head, twisting my soul from the inside. - What would happen if ... How next is he? And ... me? "

All this talk about a "new life", pff, will you do what you want? No, I don’t think so. When you lose part of yourself, part of the most precious thing that you have - you are no more. It’s not you anymore, and you will never be the same, but the reward will be only eternal regret for the words that you will never say, for actions that you will never commit again. Only guilt for what you, exactly you, you let it happen.

“And Dylan ...” - for a moment I looked up and immediately looked down, seeing his frozen expression.

I have long become his important part. His sad, but such a warm look says a lot, and his actions...

He would not have survived this, went crazy with grief and regret. I saw his similar state: the thoughtless and meaningless actions of a smart but broken program that no one else can fix. And friends and parents will not help him: such a blow will break him final.

He will no longer be Dylan.

"DUMB FREAK! WHAT WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO ME? HOW I WOULD WITHOUT YOU?! How would I ... "- anger passed behind these thoughts, finishing off mine already poor condition.

And I? Before my eyes already my future. What would happen to me if I lost him? What would happen if he ... I know what would be: no interests, no hobbies. Fear, guilt, loneliness and emptiness. Nothing - just a broken one the soul and the split the heart.

I won’t be Dolly anymore.

He has long been a part of me. Too big and important part.

– I-I-I-I... – I can't restrain my sobs and I can't run away from these thoughts. – I-I not-t...

Before my eyes, there is a veil, and in my soul is loneliness and real panic. I so shakes from fear that I generally cease to understand who I am.

– Hush… – he takes my cheek and raises my face. – We're alive, right? Things are good. Don't we must cry. I'm here.

I know how it's working, but I see and hear his, and fear is retreats. A sense of security and peace of mind from a dog that afraid of her own a shadow, but capable the impossible. The pain goes away, but they'll pretend to be stupid – I know that he feels it the same thing. He terribly afraid this, and more even, probably, more than me, but it doesn't show up this is so that reassure me. I'm too important for him, like and it's for me. But again I don't I listened to him, and he's here again, no matter what on what, and even doesn’t poke me in my carelessness, which is slightly did not deprive us of it both lives.

Today everything went well.

He's next to me again when I needed him, but something stubbornly tells me that I always need him. I turn my head slightly again and see the wreckage of a skateboard on the pavement. And Dylan - I see his injuries and his wet head, he's in pain and very scary, but he stubbornly resists himself to comfort me. Real hero. My hero, who was always with me.

Me shaking with shock, and the paw convulsively clings to his collar. But his warm paws on my cheeks erase the tears.

He sees me through and through, but does not get angry - only snuggled closer, ignoring even his pain. He is terribly afraid of a thunderstorm, but he's covering for me, afraid of losing me again. Through the veil of tears, I see his exhausted expression on his face. But his warmth covers me, warming and calming the soul and heart.

"He's here. He is near. Alive"

Shame and guilt fill my soul. And what a fool I am, a blind fool that so rarely noticed how he risked not only his time or rest - he risked his health and life for me, for the sake of my crazy stupidities. Always. Even in delirium.

Suddenly in my head I remember summer vacation. But everything is the same: a chance to drown or crash, and he, rushing towards the unknown for the sake of those who are dear to him, for the sake of those he loves. But I was so busy that I did not see the most important dog in my life, who was awkwardly trying to get to know another dog who did not even bother to help him when he was injured and lying the rest of the night, waiting for the return trip.

And that damned repair is with Constantine. And he, after so many attempts, at the risk of falling, jumped after me and forgave me for such low deeds that I still feel ashamed and incomprehensible how he was able to do this.

Dylan caressed my head restlessly, driving away the remnants of my fear. I see his restless face again; he smiles, sourly, but smiles. So life continues and all this is not delirium and he really near, alive and warm.

I see his eyes again, but already know for sure that that he cares about me. Definitely not the case. And he did not lie - he does not know how to lie. I will not talk about his big head and rules, but this is much stronger than he is. He just nearly lost something important. Something that definitely makes him Dylan, despite all the problems and troubles.

“Is it really that simple? Was it always me? ”

Despite all the pain that I caused him, he was always with me, with a reckless, careless, tactless dog for whom he was ready to give his life and to which he had long given his heart.

As I. Sudden, I understand that I will do for him all that anything, if only he was always with me. Alive and safe, next to me.

It turns out that I have been smiling for a long time, seeing his face shine. He understands everything. Yes, he always understood everything.

– Us we must hurry home, - smiling, he commented on the sky. – otherwise we will definitely get wet.”

It’s ironic, but I don't listen to him again. In my head, the thoughts that one day I can tell him how much he is dear to me, how big a place he occupies in my heart, how much I love him. One day he will kiss me, but now is not the time and not place for revelations. And we both understand that.

But he loves me, and I ... I, yes I do too. I also love much more than he can imagine.

– My hero... - I whisper before closing my eyes and melt into his warm embrace, listening only to the beat of his heart while his cheek on the top of my head.

My reckless hero.


Heroism is not necessarily a sacrifice. And dramas are not always death. Well, I'm not one of those who like to lose their favorite characters, especially those to whom you are attached with your soul, or who are too much like you. Besides, I love drama, I love romance, something cute, but "death" and "quarreling" are not part of the deal. This is everyone's choice, as they say, but I am me.

This kind of arts/fanfiction takes a lot of time and effort, and besides, machine translation has its drawbacks, but I hope you enjoy it.

Yes, I think next time I'll try something more "narrative" and less "romantic". In general, it will be seen.

And last, but not least. People, I can see perfectly where my arts is, but turn on your conscience and stop repainting and pass off my art as your own, without erasing even my watermark. This upsets balance of my scales, and they roll to the DARK side. This is so for the future.