Dissolution of life. by Armourus on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

In shadows cast, life's tapestry unwinds, A tale of fleeting moments, one by one, From birth's embrace to where the unknown binds, The dissolution of what once was spun.

Each heartbeat echoes like a fragile song, A melody of joy and sorrow's touch, Yet time's relentless river flows along, And life's bright colors fade, becoming hushed.

The bloom of youth, a vibrant burst of spring, Gives way to autumn's golden, wistful grace, As nature's dance, a cyclic rhythm, brings The dissolution, life's eternal chase.

Yet in this ebb, a poignant beauty lies, In letting go, we find a deeper truth, For even as the final sun shall rise, New galaxies emerge from aged youth.

So let us not lament life's fleeting breath, But cherish every heartbeat's gentle call, In dissolution, find the gift of death, The doorway to the cosmos, vast and small.