Z00T0PIA!! by Artfrog75 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Today, our Earth icon is turning into something that is called "despair". :( People being attacked, killed, even harming themselves and others around them. We all should not be doing or acting like this at all, especially if it's just because someone is either a different race or species.

To be honest, All of us would love a world that is very supportive of people that live in it, whether we are around our friends and family members that are caring, yet loving at the same time. This does include getting along with one another as well :) .However, it cannot happen if you don't make a stand.

All I can say is...."TRY! Try to make the world a better place. Look inside yourself, and recognize that change starts with you. It's starts with me. It's starts with all of us." Judy Hopps

(C) Disney

6/2/2020: Thank you all for your love and support during these times. It really makes a difference on things.