Safe And Sound - Kojiro Artwork by artsbyZer0 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I created a new character named Kojiro & I plan to tell his story throughout multiple artworks. Below you can find the first piece about him, I hope you like it:


Kojiro's early life was marked by tragedy and neglect. Born into a family fractured by grief and burdened by the harsh realities of existence, he was doubly orphaned from the moment he drew his first breath. His mother's death during childbirth left a void in his family that was never filled, and his father, resentful and embittered, saw the newborn as a reminder of the loss he couldn't bear.

As Kojiro grew, his father's disdain for him deepened, exacerbated by the harsh conditions of their village. Food was scarce, and every mouthful was a precious resource. Kojiro, the living embodiment of his mother's demise, became an unwelcome burden. His father, unable to bear the sight of the child he saw as a drain on their meager resources, made a callous decision.

One fateful day, Kojiro's father callously tossed him into the depths of the village well, a heartless act of abandonment driven by both a lack of love and a desperate need to survive. Alone in the cold, damp darkness, the echoes of his cries were met not with silence, but with the ethereal presence of the Azure Dragon Spirits.

The spirits, drawn to the anguish and betrayal that permeated the boy's heart, offered him a pact. In exchange for their freedom from the well's confines, they would grant Kojiro the strength to survive and exact vengeance upon the father who had discarded him. The serpentine forms of the Azure Dragon Spirits twined around him, their scales shimmering with a spectral glow as they embraced their new vessel.

Kojiro emerged from the well, reborn with a power that transcended the human realm. The Azure Dragon Spirits, now his allies, became the instruments of his retribution. Guided by a blend of newfound strength and the flames of vengeance that still burned within him, Kojiro confronted his father, who was taken aback by the transformed son he had callously cast away.

With the power of the Azure Dragon Spirits at his command, Kojiro not only survived the trials of his past but also reshaped his destiny. Leaving behind the village that had rejected him, he embarked on a journey where the shadows of abandonment were replaced by the ethereal glow of the spirits that now coexisted within him.


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