Giant Atlantean by ArtsyStarky on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

ArtsyStarky's avatar

Published: Mar 30, 2014


No this is not a much as it felt like I was drawing one.

This entry is for Tomb-Raider-Groupies Tomb Raider Memories contest :icontomb-raider-groupies:
Lara's many Traps and Dangers.

In the first video game (Tomb Raider) towards the end, you come to a room with a ledge that hangs over a very far drop...into lava. And what makes this room even better is the giant muscley torso monster that comes out and you must kill. The best way to kill said monster? Backflip and shoot. Everywhere. But if you're not careful, and you do as I have done many...many...many times, you will flip right off the ledge, and Lara will scream for so long she has to catch her breath. The crumpling sound and distortion of her body as she hits the lava (which is a very hard mass of lava) gives you some sort of satisfaction......because killing that monster is just so hard, and you've fallen off of that ledge so many times, you jump off it for no reason. Why not? Watching her fall to her death multiple times is like some sort of "let's kill Lara Croft" therapy when you're in the middle of a stressful part of the game. And that's why there's a cheat to make her explode two games later.

<3 Jessie Lynn

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3000x2500px 2.52 MB