Spinosaurus and Young by Ashere on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
Ashere on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ashere/art/Spinosaurus-and-Young-78294446Ashere
Deviation Actions
Published: Feb 24, 2008
A somewhat different style. It's a small Spinosaurus hen and her chicks, which the scanner murdered. Done in black watercolor pencil.
Image size
1166x850px 178.41 KB
Nice idea! The big sail could have been useful for this purpose too, the chicks could easier follow their mother as she drifted in the water (by the modern reconstruction which assumes they preferred being in the water). I would think that the small Spinos wouldn't have a sail, to help them staying low, hiding from predators, of course we might never know.