Q3: can I eat your hair? by Ask-Cotton on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

yes my hair is cotton candy, so are most of my clothes and my body even! I don't mind when people eat the cotton candy off of my clothes, nor do I mind when they eat my hair. But it bugs me a bit when they nibble on my skin, it hurts .^.

so of course you can have some of my hair! But please no all of it, the pink I use for my hair is running low, my cotton candy makers are making more every day! But I have to use it a lot because of.. well.. people ^^' and when it rains my hair melts.. and my castle.. so.. um.. yeah.. please don't eat to much of my hair.

((thanks for the comments, faves and page views~!))
((question asked by :iconfairyprincess-kat:))
((I like drawing his eyes like that eue))