Steven Universe: Yellow Diamond by Atenovx on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Published: Jan 10, 2016


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1057x1428px 275.31 KB

bobbleheadaubz's avatar

Would it be alright if I were to use this for a cover for my Yellow Diamond fan fiction?
Here's a link if you're interested in reading it.

**Cracked and Broken [Fan Fiction]**“M-my Diamond?” a small, lanky figure said as she hurried to follow her master. “Is everything alright?” The giant, yellow woman stalked through the brightly lit hallway, completely ignoring her little pearl. Her face showed no emotion. There was no anger. No happiness. Nothing. The only way into the leader’s heart, were her eyes. Deep inside was an abyss of sadness, full of the kind of sorrow that can slowly erode a person’s soul. But, emotions were unneeded, and useless in the mind of the powerful diamond. “My Diamond?” The yellow pearl repeated again, albeit timidly. Yellow diamond cast a glance down toward her pearl and she glared at the servant gem. “I am fine.” She growled, and turned her gaze once again toward her path. Both Diamond and pearl stopped when they reached a colossal door. The door may have been big, but it was simple. It had no decorations and there was nothing about the door made it special, nothing that m