How to Freak Out a LaLLama by atnezau on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

atnezau's avatar



Published: Jun 20, 2010



:la: GIMME :iconplusllamaplz: and :+fav: if u leik this! LLAMA + (LA) X 2 = Freaked out LLAMA
:la: MOAR llama:

How to Freak Out a LLa-LLa-LLama!
I thought that with all the llama-commotion going it it would be funny to see it from a llama point of view :giggle: I love how the llama's just so startled and how the present box cover flutters down =) The animation took ages. 0.o Can anyone advice me on my animation/tips to make animating easier?

Unrelated note: Oh my gosh, the present icon's outdated now =(

:la:See MOAR from Zasadzka (AMBUSH) Project:

Image size

51x38px 11.34 KB

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