Nelly: A Basic Base by AutumnOwl on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Um....ya. So whilst making my newest avatar, I came upon the conclusion that I was doing a horrible job keeping those earwings consistent. This conclusion was reinforced when I made the Christmas emoticon deviation involving my two *main* OCs.

This base is both for my use and, heaven forbid, anyone else's who should by lucky chance wish to make me a gift or something. :lmao: Which I don't see happening anytime soon, but ohwells! :dummy:

I shall try to make one for Cirrus later :icon8buckplz:
He *supposedly* has smaller earwings and is younger. If nothing else, it'll be good practice I guess. :la:

Nelly Design (c) :iconautumnowl: PLEASE credit if used xD

*edit* holey socks. I just realized the shading is screwy. I shall fix that ASAP D8

*edit2* Fixed the shading! :la: now it's good! :3