Human Form is Weird by avitha101 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

avitha101 on DeviantArt

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avitha101's avatar

Published: Sep 15, 2024


Sorry, I'm back with more Angel! She's just so much fun to sketch! Sorry it's been taking so long to get any of Starboy. For some reason he's been a little difficult to draw. Anyway, Angel's base form is very similar to Star's in the movie, except she's more of a rose gold. When It's suggested to her to go human to try and blend in a little better, she's a little confused on by things like what fingers are and why she has them.

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1794x2012px 3.79 MB

Superfan44's avatar

Having another Star child in human form as a companion to Asha is such a fun idea, and Angel is just all kinds of adorable.

I’m kind of curious. We’ve seen so many different versions of Starboy on the internet. What would your head canon for Starboy be like. Would it take place after the movie?