SNEAKPEEK - Cheshream by Ayinai on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

So! This is the last specie that I'm going to introduce to Galean. Or, at least, closed one.

Cheshreams are psycopath cats that eat dreams. Their mane is made of pure dreams and can take several forms (smoke is the more common, but can appear as fire or other elements too). They can became invisible but their marks, or became pure "smoke".

As I said before, they are psycopaths. If we mix their madness to the fact that they can control illusions... well.

Cheshreams can't enter to the Dreamworld: the Dream has banned them due to their gluttony: they ate every dream they found, destroying lots of worlds.


See her?
OC - Nekkox by Ayinai
Nekkox is a cheshream, and that's the reason of her madness. She's a fire/ice elemental, so her mane is done of both fire and ice - along with Kratos, with the same elements, they are unique elementals with two primary elements.