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Kokomi and the Kumo

CW: This is a damsel-in-distress piece and features perilous story elements. The setting is from the game Genshin Impact, but it is presented in such a way that those who are unfamiliar with the game or characters will be able to understand and enjoy. If you are continuing further, please do enjoy! Watatsumi Island was a brilliant, brimming jewel in the sea of Inazuma. As an independent island nation, they’d had their struggles and tribulations, but all storms could be weathered in the young and capable hands of Her Excellency, Sangonomiya Kokomi. She was the Divine Priestess of the island, preceding religious rites in her pristine, ocean blue robes as her opalescent hair shimmered in pink and pearl waves - but she was even greater than that. Sensible and tactful, she held every affair at her white, gloved fingertips, and she did it all for her people and her home. One day, she was taking a moment’s respite at the Sangonomiya Shrine when a villager rushed up to her, causing her to open her deep blue eyes at his disgruntled voice. “Your Excellency, my crops have all been destroyed! My farm is covered in spider silk... please help me!” “I see,” she said empathetically. “The shrine maidens will make sure your family is fed. I can’t send a platoon right now to eradicate those spiders, but I’ll see if I can find their den and block it off.” A shrine maiden who had heard the man’s plight walked over with a commanding stride, and looked questioningly at Kokomi. “That could be dangerous - you’re not going to do that, Madame!” “Tsuyoko, the villagers can’t be subject to another attack like this,” Kokomi insisted. “I have a Vision; I can handle myself. You know how prepared I am! Page 52, Paragraph 4 of Watatsumi Survival Guide: ‘Sangonomiya Kokomi has multiple contingencies in the event of any emergency.’” “You wrote that book yourself,” Tsuyoko retorted, but Kokomi smiled patiently. “And I am not a liar, am I? Trust my judgment, Tsuyoko, and see to it that his family is safe and fed until I have resolved this issue.” Tsuyoko sighed. “Fine, but... please take care of yourself, Madame Kokomi.” “No harm will come to me.” Kokomi’s confidence was prophetic, she believed. In all of the wars waged by Narukami Island, she had never been forced to surrender, nor had she fallen victim to abductions or assassinations. She knew how to outwit, calculate, and think on her feet, and that made her a mastermind of any situation she entered. And it was that decisive confidence that carried her past the desecrated farm to the beach, where she walked along the jagged cliffside. “Spiders, spiders, spiders...” she sighed. “Why can’t you find your own food?” All creatures had a right to live, and Kokomi believed that was true even for these invasive arachnids. But they could not be allowed to impede on the welfare of her people. Kokomi met a stroke of luck at sundown - from underneath a jagged portion of a cliff, a creature the size of a small dog limped on many legs, hissing softly as it crawled into the dazzling light. Kokomi approached it slowly, realizing that this creature must be one of the spiders she was looking for. “Don’t worry,” she said soothingly, holding her hand out as the spider hissed. “I’m not going to harm you. Please, allow me to help.” Placing her hand on her chest, she brought forth the specter of her healing companion, the Bake-Kurage. The spider’s hissing faltered as it recognized its pain was fading away, and it suddenly stood up straight, looking at Kokomi with newfound admiration. “Are you better? I can do the same for your friends, if they are hurt. Please, can you take me to them?” She was doubtful her words would arouse the spider to the action she actually wanted, so it was a surprise when the spider turned around and crawled through a small cave entrance. A larger woman would struggle to squeeze through, but Kokomi’s petite size allowed her to kneel down and crawl through the hole, only having to do so for a few feet. The passage opened up soon, and with the light of her Vision, Kokomi was able to only barely see her surroundings, only making out a stone floor below her and feeling the musty draft that implied a high ceiling to the cavern. “Where are the others?” she asked, but the spider did not give any inclination that it had heard her. “I need to confirm this is where their den is, otherwise, we can’t be sure they won’t destroy our food again...” Kokomi pondered. She followed the spider a few more dainty steps, but before she could take her next, something brushed her ankle. She squinted to see it in the dark - a white rope of silk! A jerk of motion threw the thread into the air suddenly, tugging Kokomi’s ankle along with it. With a gasp of surprise, she felt her body flip upside down as it was suddenly pulled high into the air, only to come to a sudden stop. As she swayed in the air, she looked down nervously - a drop that high would be deadly if she ended up falling, but little did she know, she wouldn’t need to worry about that. She felt the rope around her ankle tighten as additional threads suddenly wrapped around it, sticking to an intricate pattern she could barely see - a spider’s web. The culprit, the reason she had been dangling like a fish caught on a rod, was the very spider she had just used her healing powers on. “You, hey... let me down, please! I was kind to you,” she pointed out, apparently forgetting that the spider had no such concepts of morality. She felt its legs smoothly climbing down her leg onto her garments, and, with a surprisingly powerful grip, it snagged Kokomi’s clenched fists and pulled them against her rear, quickly weaving them together with a sheet of pure white silk. “W-Wait, stop!” Kokomi realized with terror that, even if she could wriggle free, she’d still risk a premature fate to the hard ground below. “You can’t-“ The spider very much could. Kokomi felt more sheets of silk woven from its abdomen blanket her waist and arms, wrapping up her torso as it gradually descended on her upside-down form. It was soft to the touch, but welded to itself with incredible elasticity - even a single movement from Kokomi’s webbed wrists felt impossible, as the sticky silk would simply squish them back together. “Please, please,” she begged, her eyes growing wide. “You don’t have to- she broke off in the start of a scream as the spider deliberately pulled off some strands of silk and pulled it around Kokomi’s open mouth, tautly forcing a strand to gag her jaw as it blanketed more silk behind her head, coming back around to the front of her face to web her mouth shut. It was tired of Kokomi’s seemingly nonsensical noises, and thus, she was quieted - but not silenced. Kokomi’s blue eyes were full of despair as she desperately made soft whimpers into her silken muzzle - “mmph, nmmph!” - but it wouldn’t get in the way of the determined spider as it picked up back where it left off, wrapping webs back up Kokomi’s body as if it were delicately rolling her up in a sheet. Webs covered her ceremonial garments as her pale neck was gently blanketed, followed by the sapphire bow upon her flat chest where her Vision was embedded. With dogged thoroughness, her entire upper body was wrapped in a silky cocoon, and she could only watch in utter helplessness as the rest of her met the same fate. The spider’s silk cupped her backside as more threads were pulled against her waist, following the spider as it led the silky stream over her white panties and to her thighs. Her legs began to press together unobtrusively as they were joined by a marriage of comfortable silk, and soon, her knees and calves joined the rest of her body in captivity, stockings coated in blissful bondage. Kokomi could not feel bliss, however. Shame and failure burned on her face as the blushing girl resigned herself to the fact that, for the first time, she, Sangonomiya Kokomi, had been outwitted by a betrayal. Not from a human, but by a selfish creature that valued nothing more than dominating her greater intellect and keeping her stuck in its trap. Kokomi’s slippers joined her body in the coat of silk, leaving a semi-transparent cocoon stretched across her entire body. But Kokomi couldn’t help her whimpers, something the spider seemed to dislike. She was a small girl, and therefore, it believed a few more layers could be put to use to make it clear that she would not leave her silken bundle on her own accord. “Plsmph!” she cried as the spider pulled opaque silk tightly over her face, gagging her even more thoroughly as silk even packed the bridge of her nose, covering it to veil Kokomi’s face below. All it wanted was her pretty eyes and shimmering hair - the rest would be buried under a dress of white. So a second layer bundled her feet, softly packing them together as the spider’s prize stayed uniform for her treatment, accepting silk against her will as it masked her clothing and covered her exposed skin. It relished making Kokomi yelp as it tightly pulled a sheet around her panties and wound it around her rear several times, making her feel extra helpless as her curves were teased. “mmph... stmph...” she complained like a whisper, already gagged by so much silk. Her flat chest was once again draped in more of the lovely silken dress, and the cocoon was finally satisfied at the captive girl’s neck. The spider’s legs curled under the webbed prey’s butt as it took her gingerly down from her prison on the ceiling, before attaching her, right side up, to a web on the cavern wall closer to the ground. Kokomi cast a distressed, helpless look at her arachnid captor as it looked back at her, tenderness reflected in its own gaze as it crawled away, leaving Watatsumi Island’s Divine Priestess as nothing more than a pale and pathetic girl wrapped up in beautiful silk as a prize. A poor, helpless damsel forced to squirm in her puffy prison as she lamented her fate...