Summer Adopt Auction CLOSED by B0no on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Hello! I hope everyone is having a great start to the summer! >w<//

Starting bid is £15

Minimum increase is £2

Auto-bid 1 is £35 -- I will make small changes to the character.

Auto-bid 2 is £60 -- I will make a design sheet for the character ( including the back of the character and more explanation on how their outfit works and smaller details ) //>w<//

This auction will end after 24 hours after the first bid is made! Commercial use is fine for this adopt! >w<//

The payments will be made though pay-pal and will be in the currency of GBP (£)Another feature I'm adding in is if you purchase the adopt you have to pay within 24 hours of when I confirm the bidding closed and you have the last bid. I haven't had anyone do this to me yet and I want it to stay that way but I thought it would be good to get out there.

One more thing I would like to mention, is that if you AB or AB2, colour changes it will take some time to do the drawing, i will give updates on the drawings when I'm almost done, however if you are concerned with the date it will be done by send a note and I will give you a predicted date to when it will be done around, It wont be exact it may be earlier or a day later but i will not forget to do a drawing.
If you need to ask me something if you have gotten an adopt or if you just have a question you can send me a note! [Bunny Emoji-68 (Bouncy) [V4]](
Message me if you would like any colour our minor changes to the character [Bunny Emoji-73 (Tears) [V4]](

If you have any questions contact my DA or Discord - Bono#1785