OmG sO wOkE by Bambom08 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Bambom08 on DeviantArt

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Bambom08's avatar

Published: Feb 12, 2023


Seriously, this word has become a buzz word nowadays and it's fucking stupid. Do you guys want to know what I also find stupid? How the word "woke" has lost it's meaning and how it has ruined online discussion. Everytime I hear this word, I eyeroll. Do you guys feel this way as well? Feel free to comment if you do.


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deaththeshadow's avatar

Now DEI is the successor for Woke for maga racist klansmen and their maga poc tokens. It's's also the new racial and lgbtphobic slander, as well. Thank and fuck conservatives and miraheze wikis for killing the meanings for DEI and Woke, just because their bitch fuck assess can't stand stuff that isn't white, straight or male representing.