A Glass of Warm Hilda and Zelda by SuperKingBobaFett on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Episode title a Glass of warm Hilda and Zelda.

In this episode of Sabrina the animated series, One night, Hilda and Zelda are sleep walking and eating everyone’s food including Gem Stone’s food. It's not just the entire neighborhood's food they're eating but the entire Netherworld's food as well, including Enchantra’s food. Their weight gains would be bigger and fatter than Ed's weight gain from a a glass of warm Ed and every time they gain weight they would magically get bigger and fatter. To be more specific they would turn into fat giant Witches annd only their stomachs would get fat and no other body parts would. They would be so big and so fat they would be able to eat giant whales.

Throughout the episode Sabrina and Salem follows her aunts and watches them raid everyone’s refrigerator in her neighborhood and in the netherworld all night. Sabrina and Salem tries their best to stop them but fails. They realize this is beyond their control so they ask for Enchantra's help. At the end of the episode, Hilda and Zelda are as big and fat as giant buildings. They can’t even move.

Here’s how the episode would have magic in it and how Hilda and Zelda’s bellies magically get bigger and fatter every time they eat too much food while they are sleep walking. The episode opens at night time after dinner with Sabrina entering the kitchen and she sees Hilda and Zelda making a potion in the cauldron. She asks what are they doing and they say they are making a potion that will allow them to eat as much food and junk food as they want without gaining any weight or getting sick from eating too much junk. Unknown to them Hilda put in the wrong ingredient before completing the potion. They drink the potion and head to bed. Sabrina then goes to bed as well. Hilda and Zelda put on their sleep robes and Sabrina puts on her pajamas. Next we see both Hilda and Zelda sleeping in their rooms then suddenly both of them start magically glowing. After the glowing effect stops they get up and start sleep walking. They walk out of their rooms and head downstairs to the refrigerator.

The next scene shows Sabrina sleeping in her room when a sudden noise awakens her. She sits up and scans the room until her eyes rest on her open window. She shivers and then sets off downstairs, where more noises can be heard. There is a light coming from the kitchen. She looks in and sees two people raiding her family’s refrigerator and to her relief it’s just her aunts Hilda and Zelda. Hilda is eating a string of sausages and Zelda is eating pickles out of the pickle jar. Sabrina asks what are they doing up at this time.

They don’t respond, Sabrina sees that their eyes are closed and realizes that they are sleep walking and eating their food at the same time. Suddenly Hilda and Zelda’s bellies start to glow purple and blue and both them and their bellies magically get bigger and fatter. Sabrina gasps when she sees this and realizes that something must have gone wrong with the potion that they made. Hilda and Zelda then take out all of the food from the refrigerator and the cabinets and climb out the kitchen window with the food supplies.

Sabrina goes to back upstairs to wake up Salem. After she wakes him up she explains everything to him what happened. Sabrina and Salem then go after Hilda and Zelda.

Sabrina and Salem follow them to Chloe’s house. We now see Chloe’s room. Chloe is sleeping soundly. On her face, she has skin cream and she has cucumbers over her eyes. As we watch, Hilda and Zelda walk in and grab both of the cucumbers. On their way out, they drop an egg and an apple. Afterwards They begin to raid her refrigerator. Their bellies magically get bigger and fatter again. They pick up the refrigerator and make their exit by ramming the fridge through the door exiting Chloe’s house and guzzling what’s left of the refrigerator’s contents. They magically grow bigger and fatter than they were before. Sabrina and Salem then follow them to Harvey’s house. They take out a bunch of pies and eat them, and washes them down with a cartons of milk and orange juice.They eat all of his ice cream and cookies.They ingest lots of melons. This is nothing compared to what they do next, however; they eat a whole armful of food. They then uses a pieces of bread to wipe their faces. Hilda and Zelda tosses the breads in the air and catches them with their mouths.

They magically grow bigger and fatter again. They then exit out of Harvey’s house. Sabrina and Salem then follow them to Gem’s mansion. They somehow use their magic while they are still sleep walking and are able to slip pass through all the security devices and make their way to gem’s kitchen and reach her giant fridge. In no time at all they begin to eat all of the food in her family fridge. They devour all of her pizza, her brownies, cupcakes, muffins, her fruits, vegetables, her steaks, her chickens, her hotdogs, her ice cream sandwiches, her ice cream bars, her pastas, and all of her food and junk food she has in her fridge and cabinets. They even drink all of her root beer floats.

Afterwards they leave Gem’s mansion with the rest of the food that they didn’t eat. They disappear through a window. Sabrina and Salem continue following them. Sabrina and Salem find trail of food containers and food that leads them to a park. They continue to follow the trail until they reache the end of it where it stops by their house and she sees two sausage lines going up to Hilda’s window. Sabrina uses her magic to make the food on the ground disappear. She and Salem then grab the sausages lines get pulled into Hilda’s room. They hit the ceiling and falls to the ground. When she gets, she sees Hilda and Zelda sleeping in Hilda’s bed while also having piles of foods and junk food around them.

Sabrina wakes them up and tells them what happened. Suddenly The buttons on Hilda and Zelda’s button robes top burst off and their gain fat bellies are shown. Sabrina and Salem use their magic to tie them up to Hilda’s bed and tells them good night. Hilda and Zelda then go to sleep. Suddenly, Hilda and Zelda get up and start sleep walking again. Hilda and Zelda walk out of Hilda’s bedroom door. The bed, to which they are still tied, gets caught on the doorframe. Hilda and Zelda break free of the ropes and continue on. Sabrina and Salem hears them and goes after them again. Hilda and Zelda exit the house and turn right.

The next scene shows Sabrina and Salem following Hilda and Zelda to a fence. Hilda and Zelda climb over the fence and climb up now perched on two poles. They begin to grab apples from a tree with their tongues and swallow them whole. They then fall onto two clothesline. As they slide towards the middle on both of them , they grab a two pairs of woman's underwear hanging from hanging on the clotheslines with their teeth. The clothesline acts as a slingshot, shooting Hilda and Zelda into the sky. The two pair of underwear blows up like balloons and Hilda and Zelda float away. This makes it even harder for Sabrina and Salem to catch them.

While floating in the air Hilda and Zelda open a portal to the netherworld and they get sucked into it. Sabrina uses her magic to summon her broomstick and she and Salem fly into the portal before it closes. When Sabrina and Salem arrive in the netherworld they look around to see where Hilda and Zelda went.

They hear noises near a grocery store and run over to that location. When they get there they see a giant hole in the wall, they go inside and see Hilda and Zelda eating everything. They magically get bigger and fatter again and they grow so big, they break the roof. They leave and head straight to Enchantra’s castle. Sabrina and Salem follow them.

When Hilda and Zelda arrive they tare the roof off of her castle and pick up the fridge and eat her food. They are way more bigger and fatter than ever. This wakes up Enchantra and she goes to her kitchen and finds all of her food gone. Sabrina knocks on her door and Enchantra opens it. Sabrina tells her everything that has happened and she needs her help to stop her aunts from eating anyone else’s food. Enchantra comes up with a plan. She uses her magic to conjure up two giant fresh chocolate cakes and teleports them to an area where there two giant howls big enough to trap both Hilda and Zelda. Hilda and Zelda are near by and they can smell the cake. When They approach the cakes they fall into the holes and they can’t move.

Here’s a link to a page where people made this as a request by me.


Here’s a picture of what Hilda and Zelda look like along with their sleeping clothes.


Look I know that Catholic-Ronin made this already but I was the one who gave him the idea in the first place as a request and that jerk blocked me for no reason. Can you believe that?

Here’s a link to a website where you can watch the glass of warm Ed episode.


Random Quotes from the episode.

Sabrina: Aunt Hilda and Aunt Zelda what are you doing up at this hour? Hello can’t you hear me. Huh, oh no they’re sleepwalking and eating all of our food at the same time.

Sabrina: Huh their bellies just got bigger in a few seconds. Oh No something must gone wrong when they drank that potion.

Sabrina: Aunt Hilda aunt Zelda, stop where are you going with all of our food? I got to follow them and stop them but first I need to wake up Salem.

Sabrina: Salem wake up This is an emergency.

Salem: Who turned out the sun?

Sabrina: Good your awake.

Salem: What did you wake me up for Sabrina?

Sabrina: It’s aunt Hilda and Zelda. I heard noises downstairs in the kitchen so I went down there and I saw Hilda and Zelda and they were eating food out of the refrigerator and it wasn’t in a normal way.

Salem: What do you mean not normal?

Sabrina: Salem, Aunt Hilda and Zelda are sleep walking and eating our food at the same time. That’s not all there bellies started to glow after they kept eating too much food and they magically got bigger and fatter.

Salem: Oh my.

Sabrina: It’s probably because of that potion they made.

Salem: What potion?

Sabrina: They made a potion that was supposed to allow them to eat as much food and junk food as they want without gaining any weight or getting sick from eating too much junk food.

Salem: So I’m guessing something must have gone wrong with that right?

Sabrina: Yeah.

Salem: Ok let’s go see what big fat Hilda and Zelda are up to.

Salem: Look at all this! Hilda and Zelda must have swindled the whole neighborhood of its food! Wow, check this out Sabrina, Hilda and Zelda ate all the ice cream out of these two ice cream trucks.

Sabrina: Oh boy, Salem, who knows how this will end.

Sabrina! They scarfed the whole fridge!

Salem: How can they be so big, fat and quick?

Sabrina: Salem look, They’re hopping the fence.

Sabrina: I hope they don’t wake Harvey. this is not good.

Sabrina: That was very good.

Salem: I can’t figure out where they’re putting it all.

Sabrina: Oh no, now they’re heading to Gem’s mansion. Who knows how big and fat they’ll get when they eat everything out of her giant refrigerator.

Sabrina: This mess should lead us right to them.

Sabrina: Aunt Hilda and aunt Zelda seem quite comfortable among all that food like giant whales.

Sabrina: Aunt Hilda and Zelda wake up.

Hilda: Oh no my belly is so big and fat.

Zelda: My belly is big and fat too.

Sabrina: Oh no Salem, Hilda and Zelda are sleep walking again.

Uncle Quigley: Sabrina what happened to all of our food? It’s all gone.

Sabrina: It was aunt Hilda and Zelda, uncle Quigley. They were sleep walking and they ate everything while doing so. And it wasn’t just our food it was the whole neighborhood’s and netherworld’s food as well.

Uncle Quigley: Oh my!

Note: Hilda and Zelda are barefoot while sleepwalking and eating everyone’s food and Zelda is not wearing her glasses while sleepwalking and eating.

The template was made by TessMcGrath.

Sabrina: the Animated Series™ © DiC Entertainment