TTNG_Smile by BeastboysGurl4ya on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Dont point out the mistakes i know. If I tell you what it was then you have complete focus on it and not tha pic. Jezz I really need to see thes emistakes before I ink it.

Another long day of school has finally ended and Dezzy has the house all to herself. Her parents had a doctors appointment and wouldn't be back til supper. Dezzy enters home with a thud as she landed face first to the navy blue carpet.

Dezzy:....can't legs.

Dezzy has just came from another afterschool dance class. She's been working the hardest out of all the students. It was important for her to be picked for the lead role in the Upcoming ballet recital. Her legs ached badly. But, as usual, she sucked it up and carried her self to the couch in the livingroom.

Dezzy: Now, time for a nice, relaxing na--

She was interrupted by the sound of the door slamming wide open.

???: HEY CUZ!!!!

She quickly stood up and saw BeastGirl, Ferio, Kiki, Aaron and Cel at the door. BeastGirl and Ferio waved at Dezzy wildly.

Dezzy: W-what are you guys doing here?!!

BeastGirl: Aunty RHi Rhi said to come over and babysit you while she was gone. I was to come over the minute I got out of Step tryouts.

Cel: We wouldve been here sooner but we had to wait for Mr. Hothead to stop flirting with one of the head step leaders.

Ferio: Cel, how many times do I have to tell ya? I wasn't flirting, I was just talking to her in a sexy voice saying nice things about her.

Cel: Hmm, whatever.

Dezzy notice Kiki's red teary eyes. Aaron walked to his older sister.

Aaron:(whispering) Kiki was trying out for Cheerleading, and the girls there teased about how she couldn't be one since she never smiles, and the fact that she was too dark.

Dezzy: (Whispering) ....Why would Kiki Tryout for...cheerleading? She hates preppy girly things!

Aaron: She says that cheerleading is dark and twisted in its own way.

Dezzy: Oookaaay.

Kiki tossed her bookbag aside and ran upstairs to her room. Everybody heard her door slam.

The teens all looked at eachother with questionable faces. The silence was killing BeastGirl.

BeastGirl: How about I start dinner?

She zoomed into the kitchen leaving a trail of fire behind her.

Ferio: uuh, come on Cel lets go watch that newdance video on your laptop uh uh over there!

He grabbed Cel's hand and zoomed into the next room, leaving Aaron with Dezzy.

Aaron: I'm gonna go keep my eye on Ferio and make sure he doesn't try anything funny...

He walked away. Dezzy, now all alone, knew why the other deserted her. It was obvious to her that they wanted Dezzy to go talk to Kiki. For some reason, when anybody tries to comfort Kiki, she has this dark experssion that would make anybody feel uncomfortable. Dezzy sighed and flew upstairs. As she approached her sister's room, she notice that there was complete silence which was truly frightening. She knocked on the dorr twice.

Kiki: Go away!

Dezzy went in anyways. She looked around the room to find her sister sitting in a dark corner of her room. Dezzy took caution when she approached Kiki.

Dezzy: So uh, i heard you went out for cheerleading.

Kiki: Yea I did.

Dezzy: How'd it go?

Kiki: I practically nailed the stunts.

Dezzy: Thats great!

Kiki: But because of my personality, i was practically kicked out of it.

Dezzy: Why didn't you just, act

Kiki: A freakin prep? no way.

Dezzy: It wouldn't kill you to smile, would it?

Kiki: Maybe...I don't have the face to do a pretty smile.

Dezzy giggled.

Dezzy: Thats not true!

Dezzy dragged Kiki out the corner and sat her down infront of a mirror. Kiki sat behind her.

Kiki: Why did you drag me to the mirror?

Dezzy: To practice smiling! * she makes a big grin in the mirror*

Kiki: T_T*

Dezzy: Uh...try a small smile, like this.*she curved her lips into a sweet small smile*

Kiki: You look like mother Rhi, when you smile.

Dezzy: :aww: You have mommy Cia's pretty smile too. Come on, give it a try.

Kiki tried to curve her lips in to a smile.

Kiki: I don't do smiles. -_-

Kiki felt Dezzy finger pulling up the corner of her mouth.

Dezzy: Come on you can do it!

Kiki: Dezzy!!!

Dezzy: ^^; Seriously. Think of something that makes you happy. A smile will appear soon. If you want to be a cheerleader, you just gotta smile!:3

Kiki: Sometimes I hate it when you smile like that. But...thanks Dez.*Kiki turns around and hugs her sister* :)


Kiki: 9_9

Dezzy: ^^; If cheerleading doesn't work out, try the step team. They don't smile usually, its like a straight face most of the time.

Kiki: I'll think about it.

Dezzy: I smell something delicous!*she zooms out of kiki's room and heads downstairs*

Kiki looked towards the doorway to make sure nobody was there. She glanced in the mirror and tries to find the right smile that suits her.

Kiki: Think of something happy....&she touches the mirror with her hand* What makes me happy?...*random thoughts ran thru her mind.A specific one cause d the corner of her lips to rise* family makes me happy.

Short, yea i kno. eh...not mah bets but it was a quickie.

Dezzy and Kiki(c):iconnonasdream13: and meh!