ARIANHOD - EMANIA - CAER SIDI by beliebelcan on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Arianrhod (sometimes written as Arianrhod, Aranrhod, Aryanrot, Aranrot or Aranron) is a Welsh Goddess of the moon, the stars and the sky as well as being called upon to work with fertility, childbirth, death and reincarnation, destiny, magic, justice and for anything involving the night.

The name Arianrhod means "Silver Wheel" or "Silver Circle", it is indicative of her role as a Goddess of the Full Moon, often this wheel is represented as a disc with eight spokes that represent the wheel of the stars. This Goddess can be seen as a complementary aspect of Olwen whose name means “The Golden Wheel”, a Maiden Goddess linked to the crescent moon, beginnings and springtimes.

She has also been known as the "White Virgin Goddess of birth, initiation, death and rebirth", and the "Silver Wheel, which descends into the sea". She’s described as very beautiful and with very pale skin.

Arianrhod was the Mistress of Caer Arianhod, the Tower of the Otherworld and of Initiation, it is often called the "Castle of the Silver Wheel", though it may be better known to some as the Borealis or the Milky Way.

When warriors died in battle, it was Arianrhod's role to collect their souls, place them aboard her ship, known as the Remo Wheel, and then transport them to Emania, which was also known as Moonland. Then, when they finally reached Moonland, Arianrhod would initiate the souls in the other world into their new lives at Caer Sidi, where they would spend whatever time they had between their incarnations. It was also at Caer Sidi that poets learned the wisdom of the stars.