The Bathtub by BenjaminEagle on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Okay, so I lied, but this isn't an NBM story.

Ready for something a little twisted?
Based on a story I wrote years ago, one that was much more twisted....

Emmy still didn't feel totally right. There was something about this apartment the 13 year old and her mom moved into, one that came very cheap because, apparently, the former inhabitant disappeared. Nobody knew what happened to her, but Emmy could feel the chill every time she went into her room.
It wasn't her mom's fault. As a first-year nurse, her mom didn't have much money to support them, but they had this place now. Emmy took some comfort in that fact, but she often felt like she was being watched in her room or when she was trying to study.
Emmy was a good student, she knew her stuff. Sure, she felt a little behind because other girls her age were already developing, but she hadn't, not yet. She wondered if there was something wrong with her, but, for now, it was this apartment that had her really concerned.
Still, nothing bad had happened. Maybe it was all in her head. She hoped it was. It took some time to try and convince herself that everything was all right and that she didn't need to worry.
So she decided that, tonight, she was going to try and relax, and there was nothing more relaxing than a nice, warm bath with a lot of bubbles.
Emmy filled up the tub as far as she could take it before the overflow, with as many bubbles as she could, before removing her clothes and slipping in. The warmth felt so good that she could practically feel her muscles relaxing. The water felt so good that her cares practically melted away.
She no longer worried about being a "late bloomer" or about the spooky apartment. She just felt so good, just laying there, letting the warmth seep into her.
It didn't take too long before she felt herself drifting, floating away....
...As Emmy awoke, she realized she had no idea how long she'd been asleep. But, as she came fully awake, she realized something else had changed too.
The smell of the bath was more salty, and it felt heavier. It didn't feel like water anymore as she let her eyes come open.
A pool of red surrounded her, deep. She knew what she was feeling now as she stood, middle of the tub, screaming.
Her mom ran in, shocked as her daughter screamed like something horrible had happened before she looked down. She managed to get Emmy out before she reached down and felt what had happened.
It hadn't mixed with the water, hadn't come from Emmy herself. Her mom checked everything over and knew that it hadn't come from her daughter.
No, Emmy's entire bathwater, all of it, had transformed into blood....

Happy Halloween everyone!