Hang in there, Spot by BewitchedCat on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

BewitchedCat's avatar

Published: Aug 20, 2010


Spot heard terrible stories about the needle of Dr. Crusher, reserved for the worst cats.
Riker who told him the stories.
And now there was Spot, waiting for his turn.
"It will be alright Spot" Data's said, holding it tightly.
But how could he say know something? was an android and was unaware of the pain.

- :p

Spot já ouviu histórias sobre a terrível agulha da doutora Crusher, reservada apenas para os piores gatos.
Fora Riker quem lhe contara as histórias.
E agora lá estava Spot, esperando para ser atendida.
"Vai dar tudo certo Spot" dizia Data, segurando-o com força.
Mas como ele poderia saber de alguma coisa? era um andróide e não conhecia a dor.

Spot, Data and Beverly Crusher are characters in star trek: the next generation.

Image size

1376x1379px 628.26 KB

Date Taken

Aug 20, 2010, 3:47:57 AM