Sick and coils. by biancaroseg77 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

It was a rainy day in the jungle and at this point in our story, Bianca had gone a cold. She was. sneezing and coughing in the tree fort. Ka has. gotten all of the banana leaves for her to use as tissues. And with all the ingredients in the jungle, he was able to make an antidote. medicine with all the spices Since traveling through the world, he's learned how humans create medicine from pots. After all, a few of his buddies were enemies to Bianca. But now he was taken care of her She was sneezing up a storm. He was able to sneak into the village and take a few blankets to wrap her up. He couldn't coil her because she didn't want him to get sick. The reason was Bianca had put in a barrier around her. So that way he would not get sick. And the thing about her powers were the only thing she could not do was to, well, make herself better. She could heal her bones when it comes to broken eggs and pains, but not heal than those of the sick.

" Ohh, I hate this being. sick is no fun. as she whined. Bianca had teleported a few of her favorite books into her bubble. she could read at least to keep herself busy?" There we go this. a bit of that there. The medicines done, Bianca Open a little window so I can at least give you the medicine. As he requested, Bianca did He handed her the medicine. Bianca's drinker it all up, even though had a disgusting taste." Thank you, Lovey. I needed that, even though It smells funny, but when it smells funny, it's the heel of the nose. She kept slurping a bit more of it, though. until she finished the whole bowl. she gave it back to him by teleported to straight to his coils. She just lied back in the blankets. Trying our best to feel comfortable. And he was trying his best to keep her comfortable. At that point in the story, you may wonder whatever children they were all worried for her sake. But they knew she was dealing with a lot of stress. Once in a while, two little twins would come and check on her. Her daughter and son, Talia and Sanjay. They were able to teleport straight up into the tree. Fort as soon as they walked in. Bianca was smiling. and coffin." My babies, you came to visit me. That's wonderful I'm sorry. I can't give you hugs,

" That's OK Mom. We came to see you. Just to let you know, Timmy and Melissa are going to get married in a month. I hope you'll be able to attend the wedding. And Raven's baby is starting to grow in the stomach. She and Daniel be expecting. They've already made a new house across the street from the house." Thank you for telling me Sanjay. Have you been doing good? But your lessons on cooking?" Yeah, mom, I have Italy. I've been working on her medicine skills. She's got a great skill for creative medicine now." Really, my darling little witch What have you cured the past week with your lessons?" Well, mom, I've been, um, tutored by one of your friends. from Her name is Mildred Hubble. I'm sure you remember her." Indeed, I do my dear. She was a good friend to me. Your sisters went to that school too. They all became good with their magic. So how are all of them? Please tell me." Well, Ravo is now a fashion. designer now. Cleo has become a risen officer of the police force. Big Brother Nick Companies gone really well. As for Amanda and her boyfriend, they're still traveling the world healed crypted.

" Thank you for telling me that kids. I needed to know any others. I have bad dare having a good time in their lives." You could say that Sally's doing good in her home with her kingdom, that is, Maya's done good. She decided to turn the orphanage into a school for children. For both those who are homeless and who have homes of their own. Ace is back home with her papa, but she does send me letters for you here. As Sanjay passed the letters to Bianca." Thank you, son. I'll read them later. And Edgar, how is he doing? I'm sure he's a strong Naga, as always." He's actually in naga Village." That's really good. How are your sisters? How's Rose and Esther? and Kerry. " They're doing good Papa took them back to Australia to raise them there. They put up a fight, though, until Raven helped him teleport them to where they are now. The triplets miss you, though. They cry for you. So he has a recording of your voice to calm them. One of your lullabies that you would sing to me. And Talia, when we were little. Bianca began to cry. She had a banana leaf to her nose and blow.

" Mom from the know from the letters that you are dating him, but what? he, you know. Bianca who he was referring to." My twins. He's been helping me quite a lot now. I just. I just needed to stay in a jungle for a couple of days I know I've been here for at least one month now but you know, sometimes I need to be by myself to be. aware that. I needed my time away. Remember my darlings? A villain can always change into a hero Remember my. great uncle was like that. And so was your other great, great uncle Give them my love and tell them I miss them. Remember your oldest sister knows she's a good he's a good snake. Ravenelle She knows, and she's always told you this now. Go on home before you get my cold, Okay?" Me. Love You Mom take care. as the twin's teleported away. Bianca had a sad heart Her children were living far away from her Then a familiar pair of eyes came to her and she instantly fell asleep. He did the best he can to make her happy.