The wind ... by BikoWolf1 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

RWBY 8 ep 12

Well well, let's see what the fight between the good guys and Ironwood will be like ... AH AH AH AH AH! What is that weapon? What is it for? But what the hell do they do with this poor character?

Let's go in order, because the concept can be complicated:

Ironwood has at this exact moment the worst weapon to have a serious fight against other characters, in other words he is immediately disarmed by Emerald (who deceives him with an illusion pretending to be Penny and also masking the others, finally you know how to use the powers) and so he remains at a disadvantage fighting against the JNR team and Oscar and Winter (obviously).

Jaune doesn't even take damage from Ironwood! The writer's shield is too powerful even for the cool general! it's nice to fight with active cheats, right Jaune?

Ironwood loses and is imprisoned.

The dialogues, in general, are dry and do not communicate anything about the characters but simply try to be nice or empathetic.

Here the center of everything is a character that I found very nice: Ambrosius. Ambrosius has a nice dubbing and also some nice moves, instead of Jinn standing still like a pole ... or making her sexy.

Here I want to mention one thing:

>> The spirit in the Staff. Like Jinn, but, well, he's a character. He can build you anything, but only if you can explain to him how. Like any craftsman, he'll need blueprints. Some sort of reference. It'll help if we have real world examples to show him. <<

So Ambrosius cannot construct something that cannot be represented in a realistic way, it must all be plausible.

But things get complicated here because Ruby tries to say something complex (justify creating a second virus-free Penny) but using a completely ... strange syntax:

>> Ruby: An exact copy of her di lei would include the virus. An exact copy of her di lei without the virus would cease to exist the second you make something else, and we kinda wanna keep her around longer than that.

Ambrosius: (chuckling) You've done your homework. Ruby: We want you to create a new version of her di lei, using her di lei existing robotic parts di lei taking the virus with them.

Thanks RWBY Wikia <<

The way Ruby talks is too weird "and we kinda wanna keep hr around longer than that" ... she treats her like an object is about to break ... it's weird because she's talking about Penny, a friend.

And then we enter the classic problem that medieval philosophers asked themselves (imagine if the rooster teeth solves it): Who are we, right? the mind (soul) or the body?

>> Ambrosius: Okay, but if I take the robot parts out of her, that would leave ...

Blake: Penny. The girl who's always been there underneath it. Ambrosius: Hmm ...

Ruby: You can't destroy, it's against the rules. But you wouldn't be destroying her. Her soul di lei is who she is.

Yang: The mechanical parts are just ... extra. Ambrosius: But a soul without a complete body, what would be left?

Ruby: I don't know. I guess you just have to ... get creative.

Ambrosius: (laughing) I suppose I could do a little ... Oh, add a touch of ... But if I do that, how much of the old Penny would be my work and how much would be her di lei? Just coming up to the surface. This is all very exciting, and very dangerous. I don't know what the results are going to be.

Weiss: We don't have any other options. We believe in her of hers.

Ambrosius: Then ready yourselves, to witness my artistry! Ambrosius: It's done!

Thank you RWBY wikia <<

"Yang: The mechanical parts are just ... extra." this bad way of putting down a philosophical concept is absolutely not discussed and is taken as true, indeed, Ambrosius does not even know how to conceive such a thing and Ruby replies: Be creative.

And it all works out ... trivial.

All this could be a starting point for deep philosophical discussions to evolve the psychology of the characters, instead it is simply done hastily to fix Penny.

I already talked about it in the previous volume, Penny + soul = something too complicated for "just a cartoon (quoting Barbara)".

So let's talk about Ambrosio's problem (I like him ... but he has a problem): Hurry.

Ambrosio was not created for lore or coherence (not only) but above all to do "the solving episode" and then shake off all the complications created in the previous volumes ... this is not really nice to see.

I don't want to talk about the "pocket dimension" created by Ambrosio to immediately move the characters to Vacuo, hastily, to immediately close the volume. They talk about bending space time, but here they talk about creating a dimension that is present in the center of the two points that continue simultaneously in time and therefore this dimension should "travel" at the speed of light while maintaining the curvature, creating another space-time because within the latter there are the 4 dimensions, but something that travels at the speed of light cannot have mass ... that's enough.

Let me just spend this time saying that i had a collapse of the inguinal muscle, during a job, that means that (i don't know when) i will have a inguinal hernia, so ... bad stuff happens.

Second) Thank you for my Patrons: Marked One.

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