Derpy's Check Up by BlackGryph0n on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Nurse Redheart: "OK Miss Hooves, please read the first line and continue down until you can't re... Oh dear..."

Derpy Hooves: "E, FP, TOZ, LPED, PECFD, EDFCZP, Green Stick, FELOPZD, DEFPOTEC, Red Stick..."

Nurse Redheart: "That's... Correct."

Looks like Derpy is gonna need some glasses! (OH SOMEONE PLEASE DRAW THAT!! :fingerscrossed: )
Awww, don't let it get you down Derpy, some guys think glasses are sexy! :cling:

On a separate note... I'M BAAAAAAAAACK!!! :iconpinkieisexcitedplz::icondashishappyplz::iconapplejackishappyplz::iconfluttershyyesplz::iconrarityishappyplz::iconhappytwilightplz:
It has been a long and awesome three months, but I am finally back and will be here for almost two months! :la: I missed you all! Thank you all so much for being patient! :tighthug: I have a few ideas for my next pieces but I am also open to suggestions, so please feel free to note or comment your creative genius to me. I will credit you if I use them!

Once again, Derpy Hooves (Ditzy Doo) and Nurse Redheart are © HASBRO and :iconfyre-flye:

P.S. If you are at all interested in my world travels, I have a bunch of pictures in my scraps you can check out! :blushes:

P.P.S. I figured I would take this opportunity to debut the new song my brother has written. This was written for my sister Naomi as a gift for her 18th B-Day. Her personality is described as accuratly as could be managed in this song. A lot of it you will not understand (as there are many inside jokes integrated into the lyrics) but I hope ya'll enjoy it anyway! [link] :P