Fnaftober 5 Golden Freddy by BlackstarchanX3 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

BlackstarchanX3 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/blackstarchanx3/art/Fnaftober-5-Golden-Freddy-766586213BlackstarchanX3

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BlackstarchanX3's avatar

Published: Oct 5, 2018


Golden Freddy's contained by...Ribbons.

He isn't to worried though. (Bread save me, I can't stop hearing your voice for him- X'D)

First of Fnaftober:

Fnaftober Day 1 Freddy by NekoSugarStar

Copyright ~ image by Nimylu

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4000x4000px 3.39 MB

Scrapbabyfan's avatar

Hi hi ! Your art is great but I have a question..are u black star of clan on YouTube? I came up with this theroy because u guys kinda the same! Pls Give me a answer!