Gareth by Blazbaros on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

My character for Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures.

Gareth comes from a minor noble family in Rosewater. The Arkwrights earned their title when his father, Gwain, proved himself in the fires of battle selling his sword. He was knighted and granted property in a humble village, but as a wanderer, he rarely stayed at home, preferring to fight in far off lands. Because of this, Gareth never truly knew his father, only ever meeting him twice before he disappeared all together. He was left in the care of his mother, Alis.

Much of Gareth’s childhood was spent inside the walls of Rosewater, more specifically in Lord Stannis’ compound. He was groomed to take up his father’s title as a knight, first serving as Stannis’ squire, but he felt like a prisoner. He often slipped away during the night with the brewer’s daughter, Winnie, who also longed for adventure. Together with Gwen, a strange girl that served the witch of Grimstone, they explored the nearby wood, which more often than not got them into trouble.

Stannis requested that the Order of the Silver Dragon take up Gareth’s training. Believing the well-known, restrictive order would reinforce discipline, he was surprised when they sent Barth the Black. He was a famous warrior within the order, but more infamous as a maverick who didn’t stick as rigidly to their tenants as some would like. Where the order saw the world in black and white, much like their colours, Barth saw exceptions to their rules and harsh regulations. This did, however, keep Gareth out of trouble.

When his advanced training began, he left Rosewater for a time, away from Winnie and Gwen. He was schooled at the order’s headquarters in their mysteries and secrets, learning of dangerous beasts that haunt even their peaceful land. He even mastered a couple spells to give him an edge against such creatures. Upon completing this, he was given one final test before he was to be completely accepted into the order.

Within the forest near Rosewater was a cave that was used for nefarious purposes. Inside was a demonic idol that warped the creatures nearby into monsters. Left to his own devices to destroy the idol, Gareth recruited Gwen to help him. She, being a witch’s apprentice, clashed with what he was taught by the Silver Dragons, but Barth’s own lessons taught him otherwise. On top of that, her experience with the supernatural would be a boon to his quest. Together they braved the deep woods and toppled the idol.

For his efforts, Gareth was given membership of the religious order. In addition, Barth awarded him Galatine, Barth’s very own blade, which had served him in a hundred battles before. He pledged to protect Rosewater and serves as its Warden.

He's also gots bishie sparkles from his +1 Charisma. :iconmotherofgodplz: