The Dread King, Isra by Blazbaros on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Isra was once a man who was obsessed with life and death. He wished to unlock its secrets so that could live forever, which brought about the attention of the gods. Warned once that power over life and death was not to be in the hands of man, he defied them, claiming that no god should have a hold over a mortal's destiny. Using his perverse magic, he unleashed an army of undead upon the world, conquering one land after another, setting everything ablaze. No mortal could harm him, no magic could slay him. Since the gods took a united vow that they would not directly involve themselves in the mortal world, they could do nothing.

Then, an angel sent from the god of light came down from the heavens. He had left behind his immortality of his own free will and had brought with him a weapon that could defeat Isra. He united the remnants of the mortal world together and fought back against the undead king, until they met face to face on the battlefield. The angel and Isra fought a seemingly endless battle, until the angel laid a telling blow that not only wounded his form, but his spirit. Being a creature of mercy, the angel could not kill him. Instead, he banished Isra to the far side of the world, where he bound the undead king's spirit into a tomb, where his wound would never heal and he would never escape his own immortality, forever in pain.

In order for this binding of Isra to be complete, seven powerful sorcerers were needed to combine their powers together. Their blood was a catalyst to this arcane spell and it was the only thing that could release Isra from his eternal prison. Presently Isra's minions stalk the land, looking for the descendants of these sorcerers, so that they may sacrifice them to their dark master and unleash him back into the mortal world.

Six have been found. One remains.


An update of this picture here: [link]

I wanted to make him more ominous and frightening and just generally more evil looking. White armour doesn't seem to cut it ^^; if this doesn't work, blood encrusted armour might =p

-3- Hopefully I can get it together and actually write a story from all of this, I got a couple more character designs I wanna share as well.

Dread King Isra © me

Tools: Photoshop CS3

