Ichigo and Rukia Lineart by BleachOD on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
BleachOD on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/bleachod/art/Ichigo-and-Rukia-Lineart-351629665BleachOD
Deviation Actions
Published: Jan 31, 2013
I DID NOT MAKE THIS LINE ART, I simply commissioned it but you might want to color it, so I am sharing it. (Show me your coloring and provide me with a link) DO NOT CREDIT ME. I just paid for it, but I didn't do any work (you can thank me for letting you use it if you want, but not necessary) ALL CREDIT GOES TO CREDIT HIM FOR HIS LINE OR I WILL KILL YOU
Image size
2511x1427px 219.11 KB
Well thanks for putting them into commission, they do look rather fantastic!