SPICE MOLD by Bleufik on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Bleufik on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/bleufik/art/SPICE-MOLD-1101872839Bleufik

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Bleufik's avatar

Published: 6 days ago


okay guys idk why but the title reminded me of this really weird era of my fathers life where he just sang “ice ice baby“ over. and over. again. i now have the whole song memorized.

way long overdue custom for @Scyllarus !! i think this is okay? lmk

also now is a good time to remind that none of my work is f2u, including my signature.

Image size

1764x1833px 829.5 KB

Scyllarus's avatar

ur obligations r complete and ALSO I love it! I'm such a sucker for cool desaturated + warmer more saturated combos, plus the drippy locs are just chefs kiss. Definitely worth the wait, thank you