Percy Jackson OC Bio- Dade Hildebrandt by Bluexorcist93 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name- Dade Hildebrandt

Age- 17

Gender- Male

OC from Universe- Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan

History- Once an average 17 martial artist loving teenager that soon discovers he’s a demigod of the greek goddess Athena. Before that it was just him, his father, step-mom, and younger sister. Life was going well till his family were slaughtered by a group of monsters called Empousa. Dad managed to kill two before slashed in the throat by the leader of the Empousa Zofia. Saved by Grover Underwood and two demigods, he was then brought to a safe haven called Camp Half-Blood where modern day demigods are kept safe and learn their abilities and master them to protect the world from monsters, titans, and other evil gods and goddesses. Dade at first hated the new change at first but hated her mother Athena even more since Mount Olympus is in New York City and that Athena was literally above them this whole time and didn’t save the man and child she claimed to love. He also started to hate the gods for not visiting their kids and for having to many children just to have them become soldiers. After a few quests, befriending a few campers with a similar backstory to his or worse and talking to the goddess Hestia he was starting to accept his new life. Then comes along an organization who call themselves Armageddon, and their goal is to rid the world of the gods so that humans and demigods are able to live their lives without being controlled by the gods or beings of destiny. Dade and his close friend Silvia actually joined Armageddon for a while until they both discovered the leaders actual goal; to revive and release the Primordial God of Darkness Erebos into the world. After he, Saliva and their new friend Rosalva rescue Hestia they go back to Camp Half Blood and go to war with Armageddon. They succeed but because of his actions in Armageddon he is banished from Camp Half-Blood by Zeus himself but travels the world fighting and discovering new gods and monsters from different myths with his girlfriend Silvia.

Skills- Dade’s father was black belt in a few martial arts such as Aikido, Iaido, Tai Chi (Yang, Wu, Chen, and Hao Style), Jujitsu, and Jōjutsu. Dade being a demigod learning these came natural to him and when he entered Camp Half Blood got even better, even bested Clarisse La Rue head of the Ares Cabin, Thalia Grace who is the lieutenant of the hunters of Artemis, and fought both Percy Jackson and Jason Grace to a standstill while holding back. His is a great close combat fighter but when it comes to the sword he is legendary. He can throw knives very effectively and accurately and is a brilliant strategist.

Abilities- All demigods have ADHD and Dyslexia but are actually a sign of their heightened senses and natural aptitude for battle. ADHD gives demigods greater battlefield reflexes and the ability to see where their opponents will strike due to the tensing of their muscles. Dyslexia explained by Annabeth Chase, is a result of a demigod’s brain being "hard-wired" to interpret and understand Ancient Greek, not English so English becomes very hard for demigods to interpret. Children of Athena are intelligent, wise, clever, quick thinkers, exceptional skill in warfare particularly strategy, masters at invention and strategy and have a high knowledge and skill with weaponry. Dade also has the rare ability to communicate with owls, Athenas symbol.

Weapons- An Imperial Gold Lightning Katana in which he named Raikiri (Loves Naruto). Raikiri was forged by one of Zeus’s lightning bolts, with it he can slice through objects like a lightsaber and when unsheathed can do a little electrokinesis. Only he can wield it but he can only use it when monsters are around or when the sword itself sense’s danger. He also has a Stygian Iron Katana, Stygian Iron is like celestial bronze and Imperial gold which are magical metals capable of absorbing or destroying the essence of monsters and can injure gods, Titans, demigods, and giants. Unlike Imperial gold and celestial bronze, it can harm both mortals and immortals alike. When seen, it is shown to scare monsters even more than the other two metals because possibly their essence is absorbed into the blade, which prevents the monster from going back to Tartarus to reform. It also appears to have a significant effect on ghosts and creatures from the Underworld. A gift from his sister Annabeth he has a watch that can morph into a celestial bronze shield that has an owl’s face on it with jeweled eyes that flash light like a flash bang grenade. He also carries smaller weapons like throwing knives, a garrote wire, enchanted smoke bombs and Metsubushi (Black Eggs). Dade, Annabeth, and a few demigods of the Hephaestus built a mechanical eagle which Annabeth called Huntress (cause she wanted it to be a girl). Huntress can morph into a winged jet pack to fly Dade around at high speeds, Huntresses wings can also be used for offensive and defensive purpose's such as shielding Dade from arrows and explosives and can shoot its feathers like daggers and attract them back to be reused. Huntress can help Dade see night vision and inferred.


· Beat in combat Annabeth Chase, Thalia Grace, Clarisse La Rue, Percy Jackson, Percy and Jason Grace at once, Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano who is the Praetor of Camp Jupiter, and with Silvia beat Leo Valdez riding his mechanical bronze dragon Festus and his girlfriend Calypso daughter of Atlas who supported and fought with her father in the first Olympian war.

· While part of Armageddon fought and captured Khione goddess of ice, Akhlys goddess of Misery and Poison, and Angitia goddess of Snakes

· When left Armageddon fought and killed Armageddon members Victor Creed son of Techne who is also a cyborg, Ronan Payne son of Oizys, Mare son of Morpheus, both Aikaterina and Morana Blackburn daughters of Hecate, Damian Knight son of Minerva, and with Percy, Jason, Nico, Silvia, Reyna, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Annabeth, Rosalva, Oberon, Axel, Qourra, Melonie, Raquel, and Zeus and Athena defeat the leader of Armageddon Deava son of Erebos and vaporized Deava’s father Erebos

· Freed all the Gods Armageddons captured

· Killed monsters like the Echidna, Chimera, Empousa including the one who killed his father Zofia (Twice), shadow demons and spirits during the war with Armageddon, killed a dark version of himself summoned by Deava, helped Silvia defeat her mother Arachne and sent back to Tartarus as well as fighting an army of spiders.

· Resisted Armageddon members Julius Lawrance charmspeak ability and Mare’s Dream Manipulation Powers

· By accepting and falling in love with Silvia got over his fear of Spiders which all children of Athena have

· Survived electrocution from Victor Creed

Fatal Flaws- he can be plagued by doubt and criticizes himself whenever he makes a mistake. Pushes himself too much if he believes he didn't perform his best or if he failed a task. Since he rather make friends then foes, he dislikes being hated and tries to avoid that as much as possible. Also even though he fought with his mother and defeat Erebos, still doesn’t forgive her for letting his father die and leaving him. Also, he's still human so bullets and blades will still kill him. Dade despite his shield, lacks armor.

Annabeth- “I don’t know how you’re not afraid of Silvia or why you protect her-“

Dade- “I am afraid of Silvia I’m not going to lie. But imagine yourself in her shoes; you were once a normal girl with a struggled life, you come to a camp where you finally make friends and then in front of everyone you sprout giant spider legs out of your back and the people you just made friends with are not only terrified of you but want you dead. I will not allow that transformation effect my friendship with Silvia, she changed but she’s still the same kind soul that came into our camp; She still love’s Dr. Pepper, she still plays the ocarina during her spare time, she’s still shy but still puts other people before herself and she still has a great sense of humor like the rest of us. There is a saying, ‘Kindness is like a boomerang, it always comes back’, for Silvie it doesn’t always come back. She doesn’t deserve rejection, and I will not let you or our mother Athena herself stop me from being her friend.”