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Mr. Wolf and His Glamorous Pop-Star Makeover

*Mr. Wolf was given a strange invitation in the mail by the owner of a new beauty parlor that opened recently. The owner stated in the letter that they knew of Mr. Wolf’s interest in crossdressing, and offered him to stop by a specific address so he could be given a drag makeover free of charge as their first customer. Mr. Wolf, while suspicious of who wrote this, decided to check the place out. Plus, it had been a while since the last time he dolled himself up. Maybe the experience might be worth it. After a short walk away from his house, Mr. Wolf arrived at the beauty parlor, the exterior colored in hot pink and reddish colors with a devilish looking sign that read “Smoking Hot Makeovers: It’s one ‘Hell’ of a beauty parlor.” Puns aside, Mr. Wolf steeled his nerves and entered the establishment. He stepped through the front door, and saw what looked to be a pink skinned succubus wearing a white fur coat and gloves preparing some makeup kits and hair styling equipment. He nervously called out to her.* Mr. Wolf: Umm… Hello? I got your invitation. It’s me, Mr. Wolf. Verosika: “Ah. Welcome, Mr. Wolf. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Verosika Mayday. Come in.” *Mr Wolf nodded his head and followed Verosika over to one of the parlor’s chairs. He sat down while the succubus, with a smile, wrapped a salon cape around him. As Verosika made some final preparations, Mr. Wolf piped up with a couple of questions for her.* Mr Wolf: So… you said in your invitation that you’re Hell’s greatest pop star who’s also good with doing makeovers, and you specifically reached out to me in the surface world because you wanted a crossdresser’s opinion, correct? Verosika: “That’s correct, Wolf.” Mr. Wolf: Good, good… I’ve never really met a succubus before, especially a singer. How long have you been doing this, your music career and being a makeup artist by the way? I’m just a little curious. Verosika: “Eh… For about a couple years.” Mr. Wolf: You must’ve a gained a lot of fans because of how talented you were, huh? Umm… Sorry if I got a little sidetracked. Just trying to get to know you and all. So, tell me… what options do you have for drag makeovers here? Verosika: “Well, I got lots: Popstar, princess, goth, celebrity, etc…” *Mr. Wolf listened carefully to all the options presented to him by Verosika Mayday. He thought about all the possibilities, but something grabbed his attention. He eyed Verosika’s fur coat, black leggings, and style of makeup. Of all the times he crossdressed, he hadn’t thought of looking like a glamorous pop star yet. He knew exactly what style interested him.* Mr. Wolf: You know, Verosika… I’ve never crossdressed as a pop star before… I’d love to try that style out, maybe wear a fur coat and leggings like yours as well. Verosika: “Ooh. I like where you’re going with this. Sure. I can dress you up as a popstar like me.😁” Mr. Wolf: Alright then! What part of my new look shall we get started with first? Verosika: “How about we start with the clothes, first?” Mr. Wolf: Works for me. I usually get my makeup done first, but it would be nice to see what your wardrobe is like. *Verosika removed the salon cape off Mr. Wolf and lead him over to the dressing room, which had black and pink colored walls. Numerous feminine outfits and ensembles were lined up neatly in rows. Of course, since Mr. Wolf was interested in a pop star style look, clothing of that variety was easy for Verosika to spot. She showed Mr. Wolf a few fur coats, some of which were white like hers, but they came in different colors as well.* Verosika: "Hope you like the collection I have.” Mr. Wolf: Thanks! Wow, these clothes are beautifully crafted! *Mr. Wolf felt how soft one of the fur coats were. This one came in a shade of royal blue.* Mr. Wolf: What about this blue coat right here? Verosika: "Sure. That'll look very cute on you." Mr. Wolf: I think it will indeed. *Mr. Wolf removed most of his regular attire except for his boxer shorts.* Mr Wolf: Do you have some breast and hip pads, perhaps a corset also, on hand? I usually put those on first before getting dressed. Verosika: "I do, actually. What size breast & hip pads would you like? :3” *Mr. Wolf thought for a moment, then he turned his attention to a golden dress hanging next to the fur coat he selected. It somewhat resembled Verosika’s black and white dress in terms of fabric and design.* Mr Wolf: Maybe a size that works with this gold dress? I prefer ones that are form fitting anyway, and also, I think the color on this piece blends with the coat, wouldn’t you say? Verosika: "I agree. The piece does blend in well. I'll go ahead and start. :3 " *Verosika went to retrieve some decently sized gray breast and hip pads, along with a corset of the same color off a shelf. She then helped Mr. Wolf into the corset and laced it before gently giving it a tug. Her customer’s waist became tiny as the corset hugged his body. Mr. Wolf enjoyed this feeling while Verosika strapped the pads around his hips and chest. The succubus pop star brought out the golden dress not long after and asked Mr. Wolf to raise his arms up. He did so and Verosika easily slid the dress onto his body, with the pads helping to accentuate Mr. Wolf’s curves. There was still much more to do though. Verosika’s next step was bringing out some black leggings and high heels. These pieces of clothing came with vertical pink stripes going down the sides. It didn’t take much effort for Mr. Wolf to slip them on, along with a pair of silver gloves for his hands that went up to arm length. Finally, the royal blue fur coat was draped around his arms and shoulders, to which Verosika briefly massaged them afterwards. She was pleased with her work thus far. Mr. Wolf saw in a mirror that he was fabulous, but he felt that something was missing. He looked over at a pair of fluffy white leg warmers on one of the shelves.* Mr. Wolf: Hey, Verosika? Could you add those leg warmers to my lower legs as well? Verosika: "Sure, honey. I can do that for you." *The succubus snuggly wrapped the leg warmers around Mr. Wolf’s lower legs, almost touching his high heels. Mr. Wolf then took a moment to feel the softness of his new fur coat and leg warmers. He thought they felt very soothing. He looked in the dressing room’s mirror again, and this time, he was satisfied.* Mr. Wolf: I love it! These clothes are so stylish! So, is it time to do my hair and makeup now? Verosika: “It sure is. Any type of popstar makeup you had in mind?” *Mr. Wolf briefly had a moment to think about that as he was lead back to the parlor chair. While Verosika wrapped the salon cape around him and adjusted the seat, he got an idea.* Mr. Wolf: I was thinking maybe some purple lipstick for my lips, blush for my cheeks, perhaps some cyan eyeshadow. Oh, umm… can’t forget about the mascara too. What about painting a heart symbol on my right cheek like yours as well, except make the color magenta? Verosika: “Sure. I can do that.😁 *From her makeup kit, Verosika took out a fluffy face brush and some pinkish red blush. She applied the blush onto the brush’s bristles, then lovingly brushed Mr. Wolf’s cheekbones until they were shiny and pink. The lipstick was next, so Verosika twisted a tube and revealed its dark purple color. She coated Mr. Wolf’s lips without leaving any excess on the sides, allowing him to pucker up and smack them for a minute. The succubus pop star then asked her customer to close his eyes while she applied cyan colored eyeshadow over his eyelids. Once the eyeshadow went on, Mr. Wolf opened his eyes as Verosika used a mascara wand to brush the mascara onto his lashes. He blinked several times to make sure none of it got onto his eyes. Verosika afterwards selected a thin paintbrush from her kit and applied a little magenta face paint onto it. With careful concentration and a steady hand, she carefully drew a tiny heart symbol around Mr. Wolf’s right cheek and filled it in with more color. It tickled Mr. Wolf a bit, but he was loving the process. He looked in the mirror in front of him, smiling at how beautiful he was becoming.* Mr. Wolf: Amazing! If I were to give you your crossdresser’s opinion now, I’d say you’ve done a great job! Of course, we still have to do my hair, right? Verosika: "Yep. We do. Any specific wig you want, cutie?" *Verosika turned the chair around to allow Mr. Wolf to see a few mannequin heads lining the walls with differently colored wigs. He focused on one that grabbed his attention the most.* Mr. Wolf: What about the straight, long haired wig colored emerald green? Verosika: "Sure. We can do that. Any particular style you want it in?" Mr. Wolf: Maybe put a little gel in it and add some curls at the bottom? That way, it won’t get in my face by accident. Verosika: "Great idea. I'll go ahead and get started." *The succubus went to grab the emerald green wig and then immediately turned Mr. Wolf’s chair around to face the mirror again. She carefully adjusted the wig onto her customer’s head until it was secure, and soon reached for a hairbrush to brush out any knots in it. Verosika, nodding her head, reached for a container of hair gel and applied some drops to her hands. She rubbed the gel over where the hair dropped to Mr. Wolf’s shoulders, carefully curling it in those places. When she was done, Mr. Wolf turned his head to see his new hairstyle. He smiled.* Mr. Wolf: I look so glamorous! *Verosika removed the salon cape and let him see his complete look for a minute or two. The highlight was most definitely the blue fur coat, but he loved every part of the makeover. He gave his crossdresser’s opinion.* Mr. Wolf: Verosika, I have to say you are a talented makeup artist! This pop star look is wonderful. Thank you! *The pop star then took her crossdressed customer by hand to another room in the parlor. It resembled a photography studio with an entire background draped over the wall.* Mr. Wolf: You want me to do a photoshoot? For what reason may I ask? Verosika: “Just for my social media. Hope that’s not a huge issue.” Mr. Wolf: Oh… that actually sounds like a great idea. Anything to help promote your parlor, Verosika. Verosika: “Thanks. Say, would you like a new name for your new look?” Mr. Wolf: You read my mind. Since I already look the part, I might as well use a different identity as a new pop star. Verosika: “Sweet. Any specific name you got in mind?” Mr. Wolf: Hmm… something beautiful and full of full of energy… how does “Sierra Sparkles” sound to you? Verosika: “That name sounds perfect. Let’s try it.” *Mr. Wolf or “Sierra Sparkles” went through with photoshoot, beautifully posing in front of Verosika’s studio camera and her phone. Each picture of the new crossdressed pop star came out perfect in every way. After at least 10 minutes, “Sierra” made one last pose by blowing a kiss and putting their right hand on their hip.* Mr. Wolf/Sierra Sparkles: Okay, I’m ready for another close up! Verosika: “Sounds perfect. Say, you wanna try a new voice as well?” * “Sierra” contemplated this while Verosika took another picture of her. Once the photoshoot was done, they looked at the photos and this gave “Sierra” another idea.* Mr. Wolf/Sierra Sparkles: What you asked before taking my photo… I’ll try it. Do you happen to have a special microphone or something for that, and also, since we did a photoshoot to promote the parlor, I was thinking we could perform a duet for when the actual grand opening happens. Wouldn’t that be fun? Verosika: “That actually sounds like a great idea. Let’s do a duet. And don’t worry. I have a special microphone for you.” Verosika gave “Sierra” a clip on microphone that made her voice sound more womanly when turned it was turned on. After a brief mic test, Verosika helped “Sierra” through a brief singing lesson before uploading the pictures onto social media to get the word out about her parlor. People from both the surface and Hell itself arrived a couple hours later to witness the grand opening of “Smoking Hot Makeovers”. Among the crowd was Mr. Wolf’s girlfriend, Diane Foxington, who immediately recognized him from the photos online. Wondering where he was, Diane and the rest of the crowd suddenly saw Verosika Mayday and her new singing partner, “Sierra Sparkles” emerge onto an impromptu stage set up in front of the entrance. They began to sing an energetic and melodic number which immediately got the whole crowd up on their feet, Diane included. As Mr. Wolf or “Sierra” sang, he noticed Diane and sang his heart out not just for her, but for everyone cheering for the two pop stars. As the song came to an end, everyone clapped and cheered for three minutes straight. Verosika and “Sierra” both thanked everyone for being such a wonderful audience and finally cut the ribbon surrounding the beauty parlor with a pair of giant golden scissors, opening it officially. Diane approached her boyfriend after the crowd formed a line to await their own makeovers and gave him a kiss for performing so well. “Smoking Hot Makeovers” received five star reviews overnight because of Verosika Mayday’s raw talent for showmanship and style. The succubus was also happy that Mr. Wolf loved his pop star makeover. It was through this day’s events that not only did Verosika make a new friend out of Mr. Wolf, but helped him become a superstar sensation.* The end.