Druid by bobgreyvenstein on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

bobgreyvenstein on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/bobgreyvenstein/art/Druid-410225681bobgreyvenstein

Deviation Actions

bobgreyvenstein's avatar

Published: Oct 29, 2013


Commission for druid - had to look like the commissioner :-)

Image size

1213x1713px 436.16 KB

Hi there!
I have a Magic the Gathering tumblr where I post my favorite cards and cards I create. I'm currently in the process of creating an entire MtG block and would love to use your art! I won't post anything until I get your permission to do so. If or when you let me, the card will have your name on it and the post will include a link to your Deviant Art and whatever else you want me to link. Just for the record, I am not making any money off of this, it's just a fun fan project.

Thanks for reading this and responding!
Tumblr: MagictheGatheringDailyCard