Fireball Powerup by Bobik19990118 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Bobik19990118's avatar

Published: Oct 25, 2015


Fireball powerup from the game Luxor. Catching this powerup transforms current sphere in the shooter to a fiery sphere that explodes on contact and destroys nearby spheres. It's usefulness veries greatly between levels; fireball works best on curved tracks, like Cobraic Twilight. It doesn't do much damage on flat segments and almost none on vertical segments (unlike lighting ball which works best with vertical segments). It can be used to wipe out whole sphere train at once... The symbol on the powerup is the egyptian hieroglyph for Sun and the great sun-god Ra.

Luxor © MumboJumbo

Image size

37x50px 4.86 KB