The Witness by Bonvallet on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I'm woken by a noise. My eyes fly open as I throw the covers off of my body. I swing my legs onto the floor and take a step toward my window. It sounded like someone shouting. Lifting my hand to the curtains, I pushed one aside to get a look through my dew covered window hoping to find the source of the yelling. My breathing slows as I strain to hear another sound; my eyes slowly adjust, the streetlight outside illuminating the scene in front of me. A man in a dark leather jacket is holding his arm up, pointing at another man. There's a gun in his hand.

Right as the gravity of the situation hits me, I hear the shot ring out. My window shakes for a split second- the man who'd been shot falls forward onto his knees and then onto his chest. I didn't even have time to throw the curtain back in place before the gunman's head swivels in my direction. I take in a sharp breath and stagger backward- I didn't know what had just happened or why, but I knew I'd seen more than this man wanted me to.


Taken at 6:30AM through a window covered in condensation. You can see the black outline of my face and shoulder on the right side. While taking this picture, I imagined what it was I could be looking at outside. Of course, there are only trees and streetlamps outside at 6:30 in the morning, but I wanted to think up something more interesting. I imagined some sort of chase or murder happening outside, choosing to leave my scene lit only by the lights outside giving me a hidden, dark appearance. Colour correcting and stylizing on this photo was super fun!

The photo specs are in the sidebar; I use a Nikon D90 and a 50mm Nikon Nikkor lens.