Giga Voice by BraveEagle on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

So I had this silly idea about giving Pip (my Sentret OC) his own original move that could help him during times of danger. For those who doesn't know yet, Pip's story involves him traveling around the world to gather various paw prints (or any 'prints' that's considered proof that he has encountered the Pokemon) of every different kind of Pokemon in the world.

So that means he might have to do battle every now and then, and it's never easy because of his small size and lack of power. His trademark move is the 'Hyper Voice' technique, but that's where this picture comes in. This was how I imagined it happened prior to it:

Pip wanted to learn the powerful move known as 'Giga Impact' - a move impossible for a Sentret to learn in the games (a Furret could, however) - but here, it's because his body is way too small to handle such power (from what I understand, Giga Impact involves surrounding one's body with energy but then has to rest in its next turn). However, Pip continues to try and learn it despite being told it's impossible, but instead of learning Giga Impact, the energy he stores allows him to unleash a more powerful version of his Hyper Voice: Giga Voice!

Like the Giga Impact move, this requires a lot of energy and power, and in Pip's case because he's already small, it's usually used as a last resort. This is because once he uses it, his body would be far too weak to do anymore strong moves in his arsenal.

To explain the story of the picture: yes, Pip is indeed going up against the Legendary Lugia, who in this picture has gone on a rampage (notice the red eyes). Pip alongside other Pokemon did battle with it and when Lugia took off in the air, Pip held onto it to follow it. After a brief struggle against the behemoth, Pip was thrown down and as Lugia went off to finish him off, Pip unleashed the Giga Voice just before Lugia could deal the finishing blow. This dealt considerable damage to Lugia, who was already weakened after doing battle with numerous Pokemon, and Pip falls down towards the ocean...

Leave it to your imagination to find out what happens next! :la:

Pip is owned by :iconfazzeagle:/:iconbraveeagle:
Sentret and Lugia are owned by Nintendo