The Wind and the Sea by BreakingWindows1 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

When I was a young lad, the Marines took me on an adventure once, involving a little boat on a wide ocean. More was the adventure, as we happened to catch the tail end of a hurricane. It was rather frightening, and yet exhilarating at the same time. One thing that has always stuck in my memory from that particular event, was the smell of the sea spray. That salty brine hanging in the fresh ozone filled air. I don't know if it was the hurricane, the adrenaline, or if I could just smell better back then, but I can't smell it anymore.

... and by little boat, I mean a combination of a borrowed Navy Sea Fox, and a MARS boat. Ever try to load a MARS boat on top of Sea Fox in the middle of a hurricane? Fun times!