Ninjago: What if the Overlord won.... by BringSpiderManBack on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

When the Overlord took Zane's body and took over all of Ninjago and combined the realms together, very few have survived, two of those survivors might be this universe's last hope, but they don't see eye to eye anymore, not since they broke up....

Nya has protected as many survivors as she could as Samurai X, they have elected her as their leader. They have built their hideout in what was once a floating mountain, the locals that used to live in the area called it Mount Cavora.

Jay is on his own, living in the jungle, having lost his friends, his best friend Cole, his girlfriend Nya, his parents, everyone he has ever cared about, all dead except Nya.

For years, these two have stayed away from each other for a long time, but when Nya found out that there might be a way to stop the Overlord and bring Zane back, and needed help from an old friend, after some time looking for Jay, she found him.

Jay: oh, its you....

Nya: hey, how has it been?

Jay: oh you know, hunting, hiding, fighting Nindroids, not dying....

Nya: right.... Look, I think I may have found a way to stop him.

Jay: stop who?.... * he said sarcastically*

Nya: the Overlord!

Jay: wow, heh, and how do you plan on doing that yourself?

Nya: I'm hoping that you would help me.

Jay: *sighs* what do you have in mind?

Nya: found the location to where all of Cyrus Borg's stuff is, the tomb of the first spinjitzu master, there might be something there that might get rid of him.

Jay: well, got nothing else better to do.

After weeks of searching for the tomb, they finally found it, deep underwater. After finding the entrance they saw the statue of the first spinjitzu master, but the Overlord had long gotten there first, he had created a labyrinth filled with traps. After spending days in the labyrinth of chaos, not getting any closer to any possible hope of stopping evil.

Jay: is there no end to this cursed maze!!

Nya: we just have moving and find the end.

Jay: why?

Nya: why, so we can fix this, fix everything, bring everyone back!

Jay: how could you be so sure?

Nya: if we could just bring Zane back, he would still have the power of golden weapons, and bring everyone back.

Jay: that's a big if, if Zane is still alive, if the golden weapons have that kind of power.

Nya: what is your problem?!

Jay: we spent nearly a month on nothing more than a theory, nothing more than hope. And even if all that happens and everyone is back, this won't fix everything....

Nya: what do you mean, "this won't fix everything"?

Jay: nevermind....

Nya: no, tell me, just what are you implying when you meant this won't fix everything?

Jay: I don't want to talk about it....

Nya: if you're implying about our relationship, we never had a relationship....

Jay: you know what, your right, why do you think I was gone this whole time, because I knew that there was no hope for me to make things up with you, no matter what! You can save the world by yourself and bring everyone back, and marry and have as many kids as you want with Cole or who ever you randomly fall in love with next, because you're the one who left me, it's your fault, not mine! I quit!

*Jay then leaves*

After some time, Nya is still stuck in the maze and is upset about what Jay said, denying any of it being true, then the floor gave out and she feel and found herself in another maze made of ice, but looks like the Overlord hasn't been there....
She then saw her future reflection, and saw Jay with her, and was confused at first, then she realized that what it meant, and then started having a breakdown, started crying, regretting how she treated him, she then went looking for him. She then found him outside, sitting at the edge of the cliff looking over at the sunset....

Nya: Jay, I am so sorry.

Jay: for what? What are you sorry for?

Nya: Jay, I shouldn't have said those things, I shouldn't have broke up with you cause of a dumb device, I should have looked for you sooner, made things right.

Jay: a little too late for that....

Nya: please, I-- *starts sobbing*

Jay: Nya....

Nya: yeah?


*bunch of Nindroids attack them, they managed to destroy them, but the cliff started to crack and break and Jay fell, but Nya caught him*

Nya: Jay hold on!

*over at the bottom is a bunch of sharp rocks poking out of the ocean*

Nya: hey, hey look at me, everything is going to be fine, just look at me....

*the cliff started to crack some more where Nya was laying down at, but she didn't notice as she was trying to pull Jay up, but he noticed*

Jay: hey Nya, maybe you're better off without me....

*he then lets go and falls*

Nya: NOOO!!!

*Nya then felt something inside her, something she never felt before, then the ocean waters started to rise and a giant arm formed catching Jay and bringing him up*

Jay: what was that?

Nya: I don't know.... *hugs Jay*

Jay: you really care about me?....

Nya: I've always cared about you, I've always loved you, I just forgot that I did....

Jay: alright, let's save the world together....

*they then found the first spinjitzu master's final resting place, and Cyrus Borg's blueprints and technology, they then found something*

Nya: I got something.

Jay: what is it?

Nya: blueprints for the techno blades.

Jay: you think that will be enough?

Nya: with a few modifications, this will delete the Overlord virus everywhere.

Jay: there's still hope....

(To be continued....)