Winter Fairy by BronzeHalo on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

... ugh I hate GIF sometimes. Why draw nice backgrounds and glowy things when they'll end up liney and gritty afterwards? D:

*ahem* Anyway, long time no draw! Here's a small festive thingy for IceHoovesAcres. Photoshop CS3, 8 frames.
I'm not sure if the wings and horn are 'normally' part of this mare's design, but you drew them once, enough to tempt me x)
Hope you like it, despite the rough bits, and thanks to LittleKirara for organising this year's Equine Secret Santa.

Gah, this little anim was fun. I really need to get active here again, but this game is a lot of work... can't wait to post some previews ASAP. Currently replacing the early placeholder sketches with proper linearts. It's taking a while. 6 breeds, 2 sexes, 5 growth stages... and I need to add at least one more pure breed (and its 3 hybrids) in order to test some breeding system changes... :noes:
So yeah, I'm not dead at all! Just working constantly on this mostly-solo project haha. Sorry for being late to reply to stuff. ;_;