Batsy Stalked by the Bride of Frankenstein! by BryanBaugh on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

"Batsy Stalked by The Bride of Frankenstein".

...Okay, "Stalked" might not be the right word, but you get the idea!!

These original art pieces get posted on Patreon first, to give Patreon supporters "advance notice" when they will be available for sale at my website store.

Then I reveal them on other social media/ online galleries the next day.

Apologies to my followers on Twitter, Instagram, and DeviantArt who never even got a chance to compete for this one. A big thanks to the Patreon supporter who snatched it up 14 minutes after it was posted!🙏

To become a supporter and get advance notice on future art sales like this, join my Patreon at:


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