Niko ~ Tiny Icon by Burucheri on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Burucheri on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

Burucheri's avatar

Published: May 8, 2018


Well I just learned that I can't use this icon due to 15kb size limitation...



This is NOT free to use! Please do not put it on your page, journal etc. Thank you


Pixel sparkle divider Pink button Pixel sparkle divider Pink button Pixel sparkle divider

Do not use my art without permission!


~Niko & Art © Me~

Pixel sparkle divider

Thank you so much for every single+fav! I wish I had the time to thank each and every one individually...QuQ

Image size

50x50px 21.27 KB

MasterRJ's avatar

Hey, I double-checked this time, this cutie is huggable, right? XD